Friday, November 16, 2007

Mostly brilliant, slightly shortsighted: Introduction to 'The Shots Heard Around The World' sports blog

Hello and welcome to my sports blog. Those that come across this blog, I suggest that you add it to your favorites links. I will be opining logically in a way that politically correct radio show hosts dare not. I will keep a cool candor that shock jocks seeking ratings and consequently dollars would deny is possible.

Mostly Brilliant, Slightly Shortsighted
refers to my general opinion about my writing abilities. I have to admit that I plagiarized the phrase. I plagiarized it from one of my more artistic alter-egos. But do not insinuate that I am bi-polar; for it is not so. I will simply not be your one-dimensional comic book character. Expect to see a range of personality from me.

Quite honestly, blogs generally bore me. Facts are scant, opinions detached from reality, the writing amateurish, and the integrity of the authors' viewpoints often questionable. Nonetheless, we do see all types of atrocities committed by all types within the sports realm, to say nothing of the wonderful accomplishments. Therefore, I do think the world desires witty, intelligent banter from individuals who put a premium on telling the truth in a world that has a tendency to defer from it. Enter myself, make room Dan Patrick, please. Don't worry I'm not taking any of your money. Yet.

I will be objective as circumstances dictate, but the very nature of sports reporting and/or commenting requires a level of subjectivity; to say nothing of how overstating things occurs when rooting for or against someone or something occurs. Fortunately, I believe I have a better ability to seperate my emotions from opinions then most. I believe that comes from my early love for analysis of systems and things and then later on my retuning to that love through the study of the science of critical thinking. Sure I will use satire and hyperbole as inspiration hits; but one thing you can count on is that I won't be transparently ignorant under the pretense that I have an important moral point that only serves to soothe my depleted sense of conscious or otherwise biases.

I would point out my level of training. After graduating in business, I took a couple journalism classes and did an internship. This has helped my writing immensely, though I won't describe the differences here.

In short, thank you for reading and let's watch the moons change paths.