Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peepers Creepers: Erin Andrews Edition

Many of us may remember the classic 'Married With Children' episode (all of the episodes were classics) in which all the neighborhood women were getting peeped. Peg was mad that she was not getting peeped and dressed in a sexy negligee next to the lighted window. She yelled out to the potential peeper that she had cookies.

But for ESPN executives, the subject of peeping (peeking) is not so funny. Erin Andrews, voted the sexiest sports reporter by Playboy two years running.was peeped on while in the nude in her hotel. The video then was leaked onto a still unknown blog and taken down after ESPN lawyers took legal action. Though that action may have unwittingly brought the crime into the public consciousness.

The New York Post ran blurred pictures of the incident and wrote:
"No one would have known that a sick voyeur had secretly videotaped ESPN reporter Erin Andrews nude in her hotel room if the Mickey Mouse sports network hadn't sent a letter to an obscure Web site demanding that it take down its link to a fuzzy video of an unidentified blonde."
USA columnist, Christine Brennan twittered that this type of happening was brought about by Andrews cultivating a frat house type of following. And the frat boys came out in full force for this story as 'Erin Andrews peephole video' topped google searches for a day.

But it does not appear that many if anybody is sneaking a peek. A lot of would-be viewers are instead downloading viruses. But if one did a sneak a peek, you might have the understanding of MMA fighter Gina Carano.

You may remember in February, Carano weighed in nude to make weight, while her handlers held towels to cover her. She then told ESPN radio that she would not blame someone for sneaking a peek. Ironically that same 'Mothership' that pimped the sneak-a-peak is heading off at the pass any effort to sneak a peek at Andrews.

Picture 1-3: ESPN sideline reporter, Erin Andrews
Picture 4: Model and sister of Erin Andrews, Kendra Andrews, Radio talk show host, Dan Patrick, Erin Andrews
Picture 5: Erin Andrew eats a sandwich as part of a sideline report
Pictures 6-7: MMA fighter, Gina Carano

Note: Shots Heard is not publishing the controversial Andrews photos. The pictures are viewable at this link to the NY Post 6th Page news story.

Special Disney Princess Coloring Pages

Disney princess coloring pages are for those who love the tale before sleep. Because the Disney princess is always present in the story. Now, take these disney princess coloring pages to accompany your sleep.


Special Disney Princess Coloring Pages

Disney princess coloring pages are for those who love the tale before sleep. Because the Disney princess is always present in the story. Now, take these disney princess coloring pages to accompany your sleep.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tinkerbell Coloring Pages

Happy Tinkerbell!

Tinkerbell Coloring Pages

Happy Tinkerbell!

A sports-eye view into politics

What is the percentage of George W Bush haters? What percentag always vote Democrat, irregardless of who is running for office? What is the minimum popular vote percentage that President Barrack Obama can expect in the next presidential election?

A recent poll on Politics Daily could give an approximate answer to all of those answers.

The poll asked which President would you want as a starting pitcher, based on President Obama's opening pitch at the 2009 All-Star Game and President Bush's opening pitch at the grand opening of the Washington Nationals ballpark in 2008.

Bush threw a blazing fastball. He missed the zone, but considering his catcher was not in a crouch, that seemed of little relevance. Obama, on the other hand exhibited a nice leg kick reminiscent of the days of Yore. But the resulting pitch looked more like a pitch you'd see at the softball fields.

This is not a scientific poll. There are limitations in the question. Such as, the poll does not ask who would be the better pitcher. Obviously that was implied, but that implication is outside of due scientific process. Nor do the readers at Politics Daily reflect an indicative cross section of the national electorate.

So this poll cannot tell us what the percentage of classless fans booed President Bush at the 2008 Nationals home opener.

But the 27 percent tally is not surprising if you subscribe to Bill O'Reilly's Theory of Kool Aid Drinkers. O'Reilly has estimated that 15 to 25 percent of the electorate on either side of the aisle, blindly vote for their party or guy as it were.

I'd be willing to go down to his general 15-20 percent base on the basis that the guy in power also naturally garners more votes. But it is scary that virtually all of these Kool Aid drinkers cannot even put away their bias in the free wheeling sports world.

So 30-40 percent of people (counting both sides of the aisle), literally do not look at the merits of political matters when voting. We knew that. But it is interesting that something as trivial as the opening pitch at a baseball game could confirm that statistic.

Monday, July 13, 2009

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

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Lion, and swan coloring pages are two very different animals. Lion coloring pages for you who like the challenge. And Goose coloring pages for you who like the softness.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

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I prefer funny coloring pages since I was sitting in the primary school. Come let the color this coloring pages and place the results of this paper is on your wall.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Score one for The Evil Empire: BCS TKO's MWC / A summation of 2008 BCS Corruption

Contrary to popular opinion, The Evil Empire is not the New York Yankees. Rather it is the College Football Bowl Championship Series. Why? Simply put, so-call conference commissioners are ravaging any playoff hopes in the pursuit of money and power. It is a power play of such epidemic proportions that undoubtedly many dissertations have been written on this very subject.

BCS is undeniably inept and corrupt. Remember last season when it became painfully obvious to the tartiest of dolts that there needed to be a playoff system in college football? Though it was clear to all honest and reasonable persons at its outset in 1997.

This week, the Mountain West Conference reluctantly signed onto the agreement, knowing that if they did not do so they would lose their potential consolation at-large bid and funds to help their football programs continue to evolve.

They did so, knowing that it would continue to be the same system that relegated a team like the 2008 Utah Utes (13-0) to the ranking of number two and snub them from a
championship game that they so rightfully deserved.

We all remember how haywire the system was:
  • USC was practically anointed to go to the championship game. They faced an uphill battle after losing at Corvalis to a good Oregon State football team that ended up being ranked #18. No amount of blowout victories could quite give USC redemption. Though, one could argue that cosmic justice was served as Pete Carroll, the USC head coach suddenly became an outspoken critic of the BCS. In USC's recent golden years of going undefeated a weaker conference, yet going unquestioned to the championship game, Carroll was unwilling to admit to the flaws that were grossly inherent in the system.
  • Then how about Texas. They beat then #1 ranked Oklahoma at home, 45-35. Despite the belief of most pundits that Oklahoma would have easily won by ten or more on their home field, the BCS had no problem proclaiming Texas to be in the national championship game if they held serve.
  • Alas then Texas Tech Red Raiders came onto the scene, beating the Texas Longhorns 39-33. Suddenly, they were championship contenders. And oddly enough, that loss not only propelled the Red Raiders, but it pushed the Longhorns behind the Oklahoma Sooners in the BCS rankings. What? As the great Gob Bluthe would say, "C'MON!
  • Then when Texas Tech failed to punch their championship ticket, losing 65-21 at Oklahoma, all of the sudden the trio of Big Twelve teams that round robbin beat each other (Texas, Oklahoma and Texas Tech) were no longer in the championship picture. Instead we were looking at undefeated Alabama vs Florida. Undefeated Utah had beat Michigan at The Big House, beat #12 TCU and even if and when they beat #14 BYU it would not matter. Nobody was crying bloody rape about it, though we certainly saw that another Boise State type football team would not get the chance to leave it all on the field, with all due respect to the greatest game in college football history (as I am referring to rankings, not heart).
  • And why was Utah, a viable championship contender completely denied any realistic shot at being in the championship game? If you said it is because there is no playoff system in place or you chose that the corrupt BCS that favors "big conference teams" then you'd be correct. In this case Utah's credentials were overlooked. They had to wait and see if the heavens aligned and one loss teams, USC, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma and possibly even Penn State would all lose their second games. Preposterous.
  • Florida would be the chosen one (literally chosen) after a win over then undefeated Alabama.. This despite Florida losing to unranked and unhallowed Ole Miss. Though to be fair to Ole Miss; they were a good Oregon State type football team that probably deserved to finish in the top 25 as they went 9-4, only losing by a combined 19 points in there four losses. But alas, the media's obsession with Tim Tebow and their desire for his 'pledge' to come full circle in a Disney type, high selling story clearly gave the Florida the edge over the undefeated Utah, and other one loss contenders like USC, Texas, Oklahoma and Alabama. And without getting into mind numbing details, the schedule strengths and wins were generally of a comparable nature.
  • The third estate's marginalizes any "small conference team" that comes along, thus propping up the corruption that is inherent in the sytem, to paraphrase Monty Python. Face it, a BYU, Utah, Boise State, Fresno State or whoever can be the best team or one of the best teams. But it is basically like a top Nascar race car starting in the 50th position in a 20 lap race.
  • In the end, Oklahoma got the nod as the other one loss team to take on Florida in the national championship
In the end, Oklahoma got the nod as the other one loss team to be in the national championship. And what happened to Alabama, who would have went to the championship and would have denied Florida a championship game by simply winning their conference match-up? They would lose their BCS game to none other than the undefeated Utah.

Utah, the team which according to the BCS merited no consideration to be in the national championship game beat Alabama, who would have been assured a championship game with an undefeated season. It was as if they saw the opportunity to punch a corrupt system in the face and they took it!

Although, other fans like myself simply did not dignify a paper trophy championship, with some due respect to Florida and Oklahoma. I did not tune into a single down of that sham of a championship. Many Mountain West administrators likely did not either.

But sadly, those same indignant administrators caved by signing into the BCS through 2013. Or perhaps they took what they viewed as the best option on the table for their conference. After all, without the possibility of an at-large bid into one of BCS non-championship games, the schools would suffer financially and practically.

They could have taken the higher road and been a martyr, but perhaps that was not prudent (for them personally, besides the teams they represent). Instead the Mountain West had their eight team playoff idea shot down by ten other conferences and Notre Dame. This happened amidst, Senate hearings into whether the BCS broke anti-trust laws. But in these crazy times when ABC owns ESPN, General Electric owns NBC, the government has big stakes in AIG and GMC and many sports are natural (supposedly regulated) monopolies, why would we expect anything to come of those hearings?

Fans, you have to tune out if you want to see change. Money is the only language the "big conferences" know.

Picture 1: BCS corruption drawing
Picture 2: Utah fans celebrate their 13-0 2008 season
Picture 3: 'Bribery'

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dangerous Aligator Coloring Pages

You know that aligator is dangerous, but not this one. This aligator is very unique. Come let the color on the aligator coloring pages, and made it as a funny animal. You can tak this aligator coloring pages for free!


Dangerous Aligator Coloring Pages

You know that aligator is dangerous, but not this one. This aligator is very unique. Come let the color on the aligator coloring pages, and made it as a funny animal. You can tak this aligator coloring pages for free!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

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Free funny bunny coloring pages. What a funny bunny. Let's take this coloring pages and coloring this paper with your favorite color! Don't worry, you can color this coloring pages for free!
