Sunday, March 2, 2008

Borseth: Pathetic on many levels

Here is the most recent coaching meltdown, courtesy of Coach Kevin Borseth at the University of Michigan. It is pathetic on many levels. Here's just some reasons:
  1. Michigan is a team on the bubble of making a NCAA tournament. Yet this meltdown is the only newsworthy event in women's basketball all year. I give the women's game some credit. The quality of play has improved over the last decade. Now instead of playing on a junior high boys level, they've advanced to something more comparable to the freshmen boys level. That is the reason this is the only reason this story is the only real women's basketball story. Sorry feminists, it has nothing to do with misogyny. Although I will grant their are many shock jocks who ruthlessly demean women athletes; and it is inappropriate.
  2. When did it become acceptable for coaches to shout and swear at the media? Thank you again Bobby and a university and Indiana.
  3. Michigan will not likely suspend him for his tirade let alone fire him. I advocate firing even as those in the know believe Borseth is simply overly passionate and volatilebut not ill-willed. Even in his press conference you can see him calming down and showing a more humanistic side. However, he is charged with acting appropriately towards the media and his players, and even if some yelling is allowable, its clear that he was out of control and not a leader. This situation is different from that wiesel, Sampson who premeditatedly broke rules then garnished three quarters of a million dollars from a university in Indiana. In lieu of Borseth's work, some low-end buyout could be appropriate. But to keep him on shows that such actions are tolerated at that institution.
  4. A man called Gundy at a university in Oklahoma had a much more disgusting and insulting rant. Gundy who was protesting criticism of a public athlete playing on a college division 1 level, yelled out personal insults at a female reporter. Gundy was out of control and incited personal attacks on his perch, as a naive media applauded his exit. His actions were ludicrous and contemptuous and well worthy of being fired, and nothing happened to him. It is no wonder that Borseth felt emboldened to act the way he did.
  5. Getting back to the crux of the first article. His team lost an 18 point lead. Who cares? If people weren't going to give Adam Morrison sympathy for crying after his cinderella Gonzaga team lost in the NCAA tournament, then why would Borseth think he would get any sympathy. Such a tirade became the story; not the refs not making calls, not blowing an 18 point lead, and certainly not being able to get rebounds, all which were never much of stories to begin with outside of the bubble he lives in.

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Borseth: Pathetic on many levels

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