Saturday, July 26, 2008

Packers' brass group-think on Favre goes up the ladder

The only thing more frozen than the (metaphorical) tundra that Brett Favre played on are the heads of the talking heads in the Green Bay Packers organization.Packers CEO and president (because one title is not enough), Mark Murphy, came out in support of the way in which Ted Thompson has dealt with the Favre situation.

The last time we had group think this bad, the 86 Challenger space shuttle exploded!

Murphy likely realized that he will not be immune to the inevitable house clearing that is coming in a year or two if the Aaron Rodgers experiment does not work out, while Favre has success elsewhere. So maybe a little more stark solidarity against Favre would further discourage him against returning.

We left off with the Packers GM, Ted Thompson reasserting his position that Aaron Rodgers would be the starting quarterback and that the Packers have "moved forward." The Packers did their best to try to cast Favre as selfish for not wanting to stick to 'his word' that he would retire.

Since when does a player announcing his retirement from any sport constitute their word? Nice try. The Packers then insinuated that Favre's not gracefully proceeding with his announced retirement could hurt his legacy. Favre subsequently called them out on that during his interview with Greta Van Sustren. Favre said the talking heads were not worried about his legacy, that it is just a smokescreen. He is right.

The right move was for the Packers to embrace a Favre return, rather than to get into a battle with the man who was the Green Bay Packers last year. At this point, Aaron Rodgers biggest legacy is still whatever he accomplished at Cal or maybe in high school. Hence you do not make Rodgers the face of your team when the greatest quarterback in the history of the game is still throwing fifty yard bullets and putting up the best numbers of his career.

Mike McCarthy knows that too. But instead of having the intestinal fortitude to go with the man (Favre) who inked him a five year contract extension, he has been Ted Thompson's yes man. McCarthy instead shed his all-American coach facade and has showed his true 'yes man' colors.

Ironically Packers fans have not connected the dots on that. At the recent stockholders meeting Mike McCarthy received an ovation.

But Packers fans in general have been apathetic. Apparently they may not understand what they have until it is too late. Ted Thompson only received a few boos and only hundreds of fans have been showing up to the Brett Favre rallies in what is supposedly the mecca town of football or if you prefer 'Title Town.'

Are the Packers bluffing that Rodgers is the quarterback no matter what? Favre and the rest of us believe that is a bluff. But still a statement has been sent that the Packers brass would rather have Favre stay away then come back.

Favre wants to return the Packers to glory and the team sees glory without him. Something has to give. The situation is getting crazier all the time. We will have seen it all if we see number four (Favre) in a Jets or Bucs uniform.

But the Packers are crazy to not to take Favre back and trade away the unproven Aaron Rodgers. It is not like they did not just spend a second round draft pick on Brian Brohm, who would be ready to take the reigns in two or three years when Favre retires.

Something will have to be worked out and nobody knows for sure where this is all going. But as Favre says, it would be ridiculous to pay him $12 million a year to hold a clipboard.

But let it be known that the Packers have already made the wrong decision. They could bring back Favre who is at the top of his game in the 'win now' league. They can bring back the greatest quarterback of all-time who led the team only a play or two from a return to the Super Bowl.

The Packers could bring back Favre who like Larry Bird got the most out of his teammates. I personally was at Lambeau Field and watched how the Packers team responded to Favre's pressence. It was amazing.
Instead the Packers brass are committed to the 'get on board or shut up' Rodgers who will not create such chemistry and synergy even if he is able to put up the same numbers as Favre. Short of Rodgers winning a Super Bowl there will be no room for 'told you so.' And even at that, nobody is saying it cannot be done with Favre at the helm.

Brett Favre unretirement coverage

The Packers management soured a legacy but Favre sealed his fate

Packers' brass group-think on Favre goes up the ladder

Green Bay fans: Split on whether Favre should return but Thompson begins to give ground

Ted Thompson: The Green Bay Packers GM's dealings with Brett Favre has been classless

Packers fans own their team, but Favre or the management will have the power

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