Friday, August 1, 2008

Marty Hurney does his Ed Wade impersonation!

Some of you may remember the Houston Astros general manager Ed Wade acting like a complete suit after the former Astro,Shawn Chacon pushed him down. Chacon recounted every detail of a verbal and physical altercation between himself and Wade. With every detail in the open, Wade gave us the line that it was an "internal matter."

I call Wade a suit. My ninth grade weights teacher, Mr. Walker would call him 'numb nuts.'
In the spirit of numbing those nuts, Carolina Panthers general manager Marty Hurney refused to discuss the details of the Carolina Panthers star wide reciever, Steve Smith punching their starting corner back, Ken Lucas during practice. Hurney said it was an "internal matter."

Somebody please explain to these general managers that major public incidents involving their personnel are not internal matters. Most fans can grudgingly accept that lame excuse when confidentiality is preferred as a matter of doing business. But once the sh** hits the fan, nobody wants to hear about it being an internal matter. By that point the knob on the oven of accountability has already been turned up to 450 degrees.

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