Friday, September 18, 2009

Mike Gundy's 'kids,' the fifth ranked Oklahoma State Cowboys lose - They were not 'man' enough for the challenge

We all remember in 2007 Mike Gundy yelling at Jenni Carlson, a sports reporter for 'The Oklahoman' newspaper. Gundy belittled Carlson, saying that three-fourths of the article was "inaccurate" and that the article was "garbage." He then taunted her, saying that he wished that she had a child someday that gets belittled so that she would know how it feels. Because she was obviously not empathetic from his viewpoint.

Aside from
Gundy's total lack of respect for Carlson, it was obvious that he was a narcissist that wanted control of every situation and on his terms. Anyone familiar with narcissists, knows that hypocrisy is inherent to their actions to elevate their stature above those around them. So in the same rant in which he said his 'kids' were belittled, the subtle point overlooked in the media was his characterization of the students that he coached. He called them 'kids' that were incapable of any serious scrutinizing. This is such an abhorrent accusation that any young responsible adult should take umber age to it.

But to give
Gundy, the narcissist what he wants, Shots Heard will report badly about his 'kids' (Oklahoma State Cowboy football team) lost the game last Saturday against the Houston Cougars. The Oklahoma State Cowboys were ranked fifth in the nation and competing for a national championship, but hey they are "not professional athletes," so what can you expect right?

There is no need to criticize those 'kids'. It does not matter that they choked and lost to the obscure Cougars, 45-35. And if the
OSU quarterback was "scared" on that two-minute drill when he threw the interception (pick six) then let us not harp on that. The "children (child)" are undoubtedly "upset" and "heart broken." We would not want to belittle those children in there extreme sensitive state.

So there will be no criticism of how those children could not live up to the hype of being an 'elite college football team.' If Shots Heard has anything to say then it is going to be directed at Mike
Gundy. Because after all he is a 40-year-old man that can take it (so he says). To go after any of 'his (my)' guys in their fragile state just would not do.

After all
, they are not 40-year-old men that are capable of taking sharp criticisms. That being the case, we really should have expected the Cowboys to come up short in a situation that took intestinal fortitude. But do not worry Mr. Gundy, Shots Heard is not harping on that or criticizing your kids in any way.

But Shots Heard will gladly go at the man,
Gundy that screamed at Carlson, "Come after me! I'm a man! I'm 40!"

But Shots Heard is not concerned with your loss to the Houston Cougars or your coaching shortcomings that enabled that outcome. We are concerned with the fact that you are a disgrace to humanity. And the mere fact that T Boone
Pickens (billionaire philanthropist and political activist) puts his name to the stadium that you coach in is a black mark on him and everything he claims to stand for.

You went at Carlson like a screaming mad man, calling three fourths of her article, "fiction." And when she and others in the media challenged you to be accountable for your fiery rant, you declined. You were the one that could ultimately not be "responsible." Nor did you care that you were potentially making another young person "cry" or have her "heart broken."

Like the cunning
narcissist that you are (Gundy), not only were you defiant and unapologetic; You claimed that your only regret was that you did not write out your rant ahead of time. That way you could make sure you got in every single cheap shot.

You are ashamed to be a part coaching, you said. Well perhaps that is a Freudian slip because you should be ashamed to be a part of coaching. You bully those around you, but like a true bully you are nothing when your feet are held to the fire.

She makes you ashamed to be a part of coaching? Well people like yourself make me ashamed to be a part of humanity. You will continue to bully people and have unfettered dominance over your 'kids.' Meanwhile, you have no problem flattening any hard working person who calls you out for it. You are a disgrace to humanity. But more respectively, you are a disgrace to the Oklahoma State University. But then again, it is not an institution of high values. In the wake of that controversy, leaders could not be found for comment. It turns out that they are not the 'men (man)' to go after. So they hope.

ESPN glorifies your rant through sound bites and following your rant you got applause from what
Lennin (a well accomplished narcissist and founder of the USSR) would have called "the useful idiots." But make no mistake, any 'adult' with intestinal fortitude sees you for what you are, an unapologetic scoundrel.

Picture: Philanthropist and political activist, T Boone Pickens and OSU football coach, Mike Gundy

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