Monday, May 9, 2011

Wade's flagrant 2 foul conveniently overlooked by the NBA, Media

Game 3 of Celtics versus Heat

Dwayne Wade commits a flagrant 2 foul (see video) against Rajon Rondo.

NBA's Flagrant 2 definition - If contact committed against a player, with or without the ball, is interpret-ed to be unnecessary and excessive, a flagrant foul.

How is it a flagrant foul? We must establish how the foul is unnecessary and excessive. After Wade gets the ball knocked away from him. 

Wade needlessly hinders Rondo's progress, by boxing him out and not going for the ball. Such a foul is considered unnecessary. Then he takes it to an excessive level by hooking and pulling him down to the ground with his right arm. As he was doing that, Wade also stuck back his left leg to give him power and leverage. That is excessive.

Were it not for Wade's unnecessary and excessive actions, Rondo would not have dislocated his left elbow. It's an injury that clearly limits Rondo's play going forward. Furthermore, the injury could have ended his season. The injury also could plague him throughout the rest of his career.

The NBA's blind eye towards Wade's flagrant 2 foul

If a call a flagrant 2 is called, then a player is automatically ejected and suspended and that player also is suspended for the next game. Wade should have been kicked out for the remainder of Game 3 and suspended for Game 4.

Even if the interficials (refs) do not call a flagrant 2, 'the league office' still reviews the play and can deem the foul a flagrant 2 and suspend the player for the next game.

Conveniently, the NBA did not do their job. Instead, Wade was predictably  allowed to play a Game 4 taht the Heat won in overtime. The game puts the Heat up in the series 3-1.

The NBA has sent a message (time and time again) that the rules will be applied differently for star players (and certain teams). This instance was not an exception to the rule. It is the unwritten rule.

The media's blind eye towards Wade's flagrant 2 foul

Where is the media outcry? There is none. The media has millions of dollars at stake. They stand to make millions more dollars if the Heat make it to the finals. 

You will not find articles, videos about the play being flagrant. Instead you can find articles about Lebron James characterizing the notion of the play being 'dirty' as 'retarded.' You get political correct condemnation from the media. Meanwhile, reality is completely ignored.

It is so ridiculous. It would be like someone reading this article and only condemning my use of the term 'blind eye' while completely disregarding Wade's Sacred Cow status.

And if they need more fodder, they could condemn the use of the term 'Sacred Cow.'

It's not about 'protecting the players'

We hear time and time again that it's about 'protecting the players.' Really? Rondo's career could have been ended on Wade's flagrant 2 foul. Yet, that fact is being overlooked. It's always going to be about protecting the NBA and the media's financial interests. That's what it's about. PERIOD.

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