Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Washington Buzzards (Wizards): No roadkill to pick at come playoff time

In the 'Eastern Conference playoffs predictions,' I wrote that Washington's big trio of Arenas, Butler and Jamison would be marginalized in a playoff setting. This is the playoffs and teams that arrogantly play one on one basketball as the Wizards trio does, are really playing one on five basketball. Arenas, Butler and Jamison went a combined 10-36 from the field in their 30-point blowout loss to the Cavaliers.

Their me-first style was furthermore underscored by their lack of their defensive intensity. At one point in the first quarter Lebron made a pretty play knifing his way through two Washington defenders.

A closer look at the play shows he really butter-knifed his way through five defenders (first highlight). Lebron ran past five Wizards jogging and/or doddling back on defense.
Gilbert Arenas was too busy running his fifteen-minute mile to follow rule number one of stopping the ball. He then went into a happy skip before Lebron James even started his monster dunk.

And then the Wizards other supposed two stars Butler and Jamison refused to get into any sort of defensive stance, as they laid out the red carpet and watched LBJ run through. That play alone would make me never want to go support the Wizards if I lived in D.C.

I would then say the Wizard's role players took their cue from their supposed on court leaders. But how can you have role players when you don't have any sort of offensive set. So the players that get to shoot less the other three guys made sure they weren't out done in ineptness.

After hitting a three, DeShawn Stevenson blew his fingers to indicate how special he was. Only one problem with that: A guy that just made a three to cut the deficit from 19 to a 60-44 deficit has nothing to be posturing about. (The Jazz knew what they were doing when they got rid of him.)

Not to be outdone, Brendan Haywood took his shot at notoriety; committing a flagrant two foul by pushing Lebron James while he was in midair going for a dunk. Haywood made no play for the ball and is lucky that he won't be remembered as the guy that took out James needlessly for the 2008 playoffs let alone for his career.

There is no magic in the Wizards game, although they do manage to put the wiz back in Wizards. The Wizards are in and out of the playoffs every year. Just as buzzards only take what spoils they can get, a first-round playoff appearance is all this team knows they are getting.

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