Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2009 NBA Conference Finals Predictions

2009 NBA Playoff Prediction Results (To Date): 9-3
2008 NBA Playoff Prediction Results: 15-1

#1 Los Angeles Lakers vs. #3 Denver Nuggets

Pick: Lakers

The Lakers do not play defense and their point guard play is sub par. Teams do not win championships with that equation. Might the Lakers be the exception ?

Denver can win this series but they would have to likely win two at the Staples Center, including a Game 7 in which the Lakers would figure to get so many calls that Doug Christie may call the Nuggets to express his sympathies, making sure to raise the phone in the air, before, during and after the call of course.

The Nuggets certainly match-up well enough with a hot point guard in Chauncey Billups and a scorer Carmelo Anthony that can rival Kobe Bryant's numbers on any given night. As well, the Nuggets are a defensive minded team which is the main key to beating the Lakers.

But are the Nuggets really that composed? Kenyon Martin's off court antics can distract the team. Meanwhile, Marcus Camby is not in the mix to stop the Lakers effective, albeit over-rated and over-hyped twin tower combination of Pau Gasol and Andruw Bynum. Add to that, Chauncey Billups legs are not getting any younger and Carmelo Anthony is not a defensive stopper at the 2 or 3, nor do the Nuggets have such a specialist in the wings.

#1 Cleveland Cavaliers vs #3 Orlando Magic

Pick: Cavaliers

In the Eastern Conference there are the Cavaliers and then everyone else (recognizing the fact that a KG led Celtics is not part of the equation this year). The idea that the master of panic, Stan Van Gundy could lead the Magic to 59 wins is repulsive. By the way, one did not have to be a Celtics fan to root for the Magic to lose, so that we did not have to see him scream meaningless rants at his players during timeouts.

In this years playoffs, the Cavs destroyed the Pistons (who beat the Magic last year) and then made the Atlanta Hawks look like the freshmen team. Maybe the Magic will take this six games, but it's better to put your chips on the Cavs in four or five. LBJ and Mo Williams will tear up a team that has to depend on Hedo Turkoglu to handle the ball at the end of games.

Split Picture: Lebron James

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