Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fran Tarkenton: The Bitter Has Been Speaks About Favre

Fran Tarkenton, a 'Minnesota Vikings Great' (quarterback) has came out strong against Brett Favre. Here are Fran's bullet points from recent radio interviews:
  • Brett Favre un-retiring to play for the Minnesota Vikings would be "despicable."
  • He is really tire of the will he, won't he (Favre) play.
  • The Atlanta Falcons got rid of Favre because of his attitude (This is the first Shots Heard is hearing of such accusations.)
  • He could not cut the mustard with the New York Jets.
  • The Packers treated him perfectly for his entire career, including his post retirement.
Tough talk for a guy that is zero for three in Super Bowls and consequently lives in the shadow of three-time MVP Brett Favre in the Upper Midwest and nationally. Could this be sour apples? Favre is the man that has smashed Tarkenton's records, such as the all-time touchdown and passing yard records to name a couple.

The man that once paid $147 thousand in fines to the SEC due to unethical business practices now has no problem forging his name into the Brett Favre controversy on the heels of his book release, 'Every Day Is Game Day.' How great is the irony of a has-been and in some ways a never-was sticking his nose in trying to trump the man that already trumped him?

How ironic is it that Favre's detractors are always playing the ruined legacy card, yet we see Fran jumping into the fray with no regard for his paper thin legacy? Thus we see the arrogance that was so obtuse that his opponents literally tried to end his career on every hit.

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