Friday, June 26, 2009

Courtney Lee: Shipped to New Jersey

Courtney Lee, your blown lay-up in the 2009 NBA Finals cost your Orlando Magic the chance to win an NBA Championship, what are you going to do next?

It is not going to be going to Disney World. In fact, Disney World is shipping your ass to New Jersey.

Lee refused to take responsibility for the loss in post-game interviews. His existentialism was lost on the Orlando front office. Obviously they did not want a guy around that refused to take any responsibility a game winning lay-up as the Magic trade him in a deal netted the Magic, Vince Carter. It is also no coincidence that problem child, Rafer Alston was dealt along with Lee.

On paper, one might think the Magic are the proverbial do what it takes to win now team. But truly, they would rather not have traded for an overpriced, high maintenance player like VC who is entering his twilight years, when Courtney Lee had already proven himself as a capable two guard that could start and play 35 minutes per contest.

Picture 1: Courtney Lee reacts to missing a would be winner in the 2009 NBA Finals.
Picture 2: Courtney Lee's misses a potential game winning lay-up in the 2009 NBA Finals.

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