Saturday, June 27, 2009

There is crying in baseball; For Milton Bradley

There is crying in baseball. At least in the Milton Bradley version of it. And Shots Heard is not referring to some sort of board game. Almost a year ago to the day, Shots Heard wrote about just how much of a baby Milton Bradley is ('Message to Milton Bradley: There is no crying in baseball!!!!').

Now Bradley is back and crying some more and if Stewie Griffin were here he would be telling Bradley to go home and cry to his mommy, Cedric Benson style. How is it that the guy who pouts and cries the most is going to complain that the Cubs have a different set of rules for him? Such is the case as Bradley lamented following a confrontation between Cubs manager, Lou Pinella and himself, in which Lou Pinella told him to go home.

Bradley further cried, "Because of the mistakes I've made in my career, I don't get the leeway other guys get to a certain extent."

Yes! That is exactly the case you piece of expletive as Lou Pinella would say (and did say, according to both Pinella and Bradley). When you have a history, the consequences get tougher. Ever hear of Three Strikes And You're Out, Mr Bradley? And I do not mean baseball, but rather the California law that locks up repeat felons for life.

If Bradley thinks people want to take crap from people who are supposed to be learning their lessons and taking their lumps then he is dillusional. Bradley is lucky to even have a job, let alone be worried about rules regarding his behavior. The ole axiom, shape up or ship will undoubtedly be falling on him here. Shots Heard doubts that he realizes that.

Picture: Milton Bradley argues with an umpire

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