Saturday, June 6, 2009

Serena Williams: You can take the girl out of the hood....

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life. Those are the classic words of Dean Wormer (Animal House). Serena Williams has at least two of those three attributes. Change the drunk adjective to selfish and we can just call it a derivative match.

Following her third round victory at the 2009 French Open, Williams went off on a diatribe about how her opponent Maria Jose Maria Sanchez was a cheater for not telling the umpire that a ball ruled in her favor had went off her arm and therefore the point should have went to Williams.

But there are three grotesque flaws in Williams's argument.

First, she is being a hypocrite. She would have never claimed that ball went off of her forearm if the roles were reversed. Williams has never overruled a call that was wrong that went in her favor.

for Williams to complain so much, following a victory is sad even though replays confirmed that she was right about that particular issue.

Third, Williams sat there and went on about how she would never do anything to disrespect 'The Tour' or its players. But then in the very next breath she admitted to threatening Sanchez if she came to the net (following the cheating argument). Williams laughed it off stating that we should remember that she was from Compton.

Williams apologists may write it off that Williams was speaking tongue and cheek. But we should not be so gullible. While Williams may have been speaking light heartedly, this is really a Freudian slip that lets us view at the real her.

Remember that the Williams sisters dumped their father, who was also a money grubbing manager. But in that case, liquidity was thicker than blood. And it was that high life mentality that allowed the Williams sisters to live it up while their half sister was off living the crack whore life that would end up in a murderous ending.

It is Williams's me-first attitude that made her want to quit in the first round of one tournament due to a supposed injury. When she was informed that she would forfeit $75,000 she finished her match. Winning did not motivate her, just the thought of losing her payday, despite the fact that she has already pocketed $14 million in her career (to date).

But to add insult to alledged injury, William went on to complain that she could not be taking that type of hit in this economy as she would need that loot to spend on furniture for her new mansion. Does it make you feel good to know that Serena Williams thinks she feels your plight?

Williams that is ranked number two to Dinara Safina, who has not even won a major. This due to the fact that Williams would rather just show up for the much higher paying Grand Slams and take her camera time and metaphorical giant checks and pretend that we are all so much better for her making an appearance.

Williams is an overpaid bafoon. Her lack of character is what cost her the opportunity to be the female version of Tiger Woods. If you see her on television, just save yourself some life and flip the channel.

And on a side note to Maria Jose Maria Sanchez: Get a presentable name. You're in the big leagues now. Oh and you are also on Earth. You do not need two Marias in your name. You do not need a Jose in your name. Get with it lady. You better ask somebody.

Picture: Maria Jose Maria Sanchez gets in forearm by Serena Williams

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