Sunday, March 28, 2010

Follow-Up: Urban Meyer Apologizes, but a university in Florida still needs to act

Shots Heard called upon Urban Meyer to apologize for his unethical treatment of a reporter. Meyer did that recently. The reporter used a direct quote that could be interpreted as a knock on Tim Tebow when taken out of the context of the article. As a courtesy, the reporter could have possibly summarized the player's comments instead of using the direct quote. However that is never to be expected. Journalists are not public relation directors and they should not do their work with that type of mindset.

The reporter did not violate any journalistic ethics.
Knowing this, Meyer still premeditatively threatened to blackball a reporter for writing an article. He also went out of his way to do it publicly before other media members as a means intimidating other media outlets that do not write glowingly about the football program.

Meyer's offense is serious. His apology can be accepted by the reporter on a personal and professional level. But that should not excuse Meyer from being disciplined. The media is the third estate and when institutions tolerate their public officials berating and intimidating the media without repercussions then accountability is compromised. A university in Florida needs to fine Meyer for his actions and if they really had a backbone they would suspend him for at least a game. Shots Heard calls on the people to demand action against Meyer! He is getting lavish compensation to represent the university properly. He is no sacred cow above discipline.

Picture 1: Urban Meyer coaches a football team at a university in Florida.

Picture 2: (Drawing) A well dressed weasel.

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