Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reali ESPN?

Tony Reali joined ESPN in 2000 and in 2002 was the stat boy for the show, 'Pardon The Interruption.' He went on to host 'Around The Horn' in 2004 after ESPN presumably refused to pony up the dough to keep host, Max Hellerman. ESPN is notorious for not wanting to pay the 'talent.' Just ask Dan Patrick or Stephen A Smith who are two of the 'biggest' ESPN 'personalities' ever. But ESPN's decision to replace Hellerman with 'stat boy' Tony Reali is possibly the best example of ESPN's alleged cheap management style.

Its not bad that the 'stat boy' got a promotion. That is just what the 'American Dream' is all about. But promoting him to host of one show while he kept his job as stat boy on PTI is pathetic! This arrangement that started in 2004 continues to this day!

ESPN would like you to just unconsciously figure that Reali is so popular that it is good for him to be on a second show even in a small capacity. And if he is already on set then that is just efficient right?

Wrong. People pay high premiums for their entertainment. And if ESPN is truly the 'World Wide Leader' in sports then they should reward their consumers with a diversity of talent and viewpoints for that matter. Further, as a big institution with monopoly protections (or rather oversights) it is their responsibility be the proper engine to reward upcoming talent.

ESPN has made the calculation that any talent spawned by using an intern or 'lesser known' in Reali's spot as stat boy would only lead to higher contracts down the line. But again, we are making a lot of millionaires out of the 'talent' and entertainment executives. This package deal of savings that Reali is giving ESPN is just cheap. And do not even get us started on Mike Greenburg doing Sports Center when he has a healthy enterprise going with 'Mike And Mike In The Morning.'

Picture: Tony Reali effectively gives ESPN the package deal of being a host on one show and stat boy for another show.

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