Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Unnacceptable: Call for Urban Meyer and a university in Florida to apologize

Bobby Knight, who coached for a university in Indiana would shamelessly berate reporters. Mike Gundywas slime when he berated a female reporter over an article and then refused to point out what exactly was wrong with the article. We see it all the time. We see coaches being allowed to bully the media and all while making millions of dollars and exaggerated glory in the process.

Urban Meyer is the latest coach to completely overstep his bounds. He has threatened to blackball an Orlando Sentinel reporter for doing a little thing like reporting the truth. The reporter accurately reported a quote that a player made and Meyer condescendingly chastised the reporter. (For more context read this article).

The University of Florida and Urban Meyer need to apologize. There is absolutely no excuse for that type of behavior. No excuse. And until an apology is made, A University in Florida will no longer retain the title of 'The University of Florida' until they restore their honor.

Picture: Urban Meyer, the coach at a university in Florida.

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