Friday, May 9, 2008

Cedric Benson: Crying for his mommy

What is a baby bear, but a cub. Neither the Chicago Cubs fans or the Chicago Bears fans will be wanting Cedric representing the windy city after his cry-in with the law.

Cedric Benson recently shamed himself by allegedly driving his 30-foot boat drunk and resisting arrest. He then utterly humiliated himself and quite possibly destroyed what was left of his mediocre career by crying for his mommy after taking a facial of pepper spray.

Contrary to unsaid rumors, Cedric's mommy was reported to be one of the 15 passengers on the boat and not off buying Pampers for him and the rest of the goons on that boat. That's right; goons not Goonies; because everybody on that boat is pathetic by association.

Consequently, Benson is compounding the situation and showing his lack of character standing in complete denial of the charges, despite a police report, test and booking picture that paint a damning picture.

Is it possible Benson is innocent and fighting to protect his reputation? File that under 'A' for anything's possible. So with perception being reality (and probably in this case, reality being reality), Benson is compounding the situation by fighting misdemeanor charges instead of apologizing and recommitting himself to football.

Benson spent a little too long suckling at his mommy's teet for her to get around to teaching him the whole choose your battles concept.
The platoon running back has only been mildly serviceable in his first three years in the league. He's rushed for 1,593 yards, 10 TDs and a 3.8 yards per carry, while missing 13 games.

His goons undoubtedly are too busy talking crap on the 'pigs' and thinking of ways to con the system than to look at the reality that he is not some prize player and that he's more than expendable.

There, there Cedric. It's ok. When your career goes down the drain, you can spend more time with your mommy anyways.

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