Friday, May 30, 2008

Ex-NFL player, Rich Tylski and his wife brutally abused their daughter regularly

Former NFL offensive lineman Rich Tylski and his wife have lost custody of their seven-year-old daughter for "maliciously" abusing her. As part of a plea deal, the couple disclosed to the details of their abuse of their daughter.

Tylski's wife demonstrated on a doll how she bent the child's leg all the way up until she heard a pop (break). Originally the child told the hospital she had fallen down a flight of stairs, but it was discovered that she had six or seven more old fractures in her hand that had not healed.

Tylski told the court that he excessively used belts beyond the scope of punishment. Mrs. Tylski accounted to the court that she had struck her child and also bent her fingers back many times between 2003-2006.

Logic says that bending bones til they break is worse than excessive spanking, but the court gave equal sentences to the couple. Each were required to take parenting and anger management courses for a year. The couple also voluntarily donated $12,500 to the child's college fund.

If the couple fulfills the courses, the charges will be dropped and they will retain custody of their daughter. Assistant State Attorney Adair Rommel said the arrangement was made to spare the daughter from testifying against her parents.

ShotsHeard Opinion

This is another sad example of the system failing children. These animals (parents) abused their daughter so bad that they actually bent bones out of place. The repeated striking of a seven-year-old is inexcusable as it is. Undoubtedly this girl has suffered trauma that will never go away.
These parents are unworthy of their child. In my view this child should be taken away permanently. But even if we want to be bleeding hearts and give second chances, let's make sure that the welfare of the child is taken care of. A much more solid process should be in place to ensure the child's safety. Suggestions include:

  • A much longer period of taking the child from the home. There should be a minimum of a two year period should. This would give the child time to heal and the parents more time to realize what they could lose.
  • Up to the age of 18 (21 if the child chooses), the child and parents should be interviewed once a month to ensure proper treatment. Harsh fines should be in place if any coaching of the child is found. On the third strike, the parents should lose their child for another two years. If it happens again after that, all of the parent's assets should be taken and liquidated. All proceeds should go to the child after she is eighteen and the child not allowed to redistribute the wealth. The parents should be required to register all accounts with the state to ensure this. If this is not done; jail time.
  • Starting at age 12, a yearly option should be allowed for the child to emancipate herself and go into foster care. The child can be facing mental abuse or not be able to recover from emotional scars and this should be an option. The idea that a child has to live in the fear of a big burly ex-lineman is preposterous!

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