Monday, May 12, 2008

Scurrilous Trojans: Mike Garrett and Tim Floyd allowed OJ Mayo to cheat

Corruption In College Coaching Articles

Jim Calhoun's greedy remarks are indicative of a warped system

Kelvin Sampson: A cheater trying to prosper

Scurrilous Trojans: Mike Garrett and Tim Floyd allowed OJ Mayo to cheat

Borseth: Pathetic on many levels

Considering the Reggie Bush allegations and today's OJ Mayo taking gifts allegations ShotsHeard asks, when did it all go wrong for USC? Maybe there's a SC insider that could tell you. Ahh you see that play on words? Did I mean Sports Center or USC? Fresh. I serve the eggs and milk straight from the chickens and cows.

All joking aside since the situation at USC is sick; ShotsHeard believes the corruption starts with athletic director Mike Garrett and onto coach Tim Floyd. If you go to the USC campus, you will see Garrett's Heisman Trophy along with the Heisman trophies of Charles White, Marcus Allen Carson Palmer and Matt Leinert and at least for now Reggie Bush. As tainted as Bush's trophy is, a much more sickening sight will greet you.

O.J. Simpson's Heisman is proudly displayed with the others, signifying that sports accomplishments, even those of murderers (and O.J. is clearly a murderer even if a court of law failed to punish him) outshines basic humanity at USC. Never at any point did Mike Garret (who won his Heisman just three years before O.J.) take the initiative to not only stand against that as a fellow Heisman winner, but as the head representative of USC athletics, he allowed it to be displayed.

On the heels of Reggie Bush receiving thousands of dollars in perks while at USC there's a new controversy involving a big name (not a 'star'). OJ Mayo, a kid who reportedly came from an impoverished background received money, a television and thousands of dollars from a Rodney Guillory, who was an intermediate for Bill Duffy Associates (sports agency).

Espn's 'Outside The Lines' uncovered a mountain of evidence that shows that Guillory spent thousands on Mayo while being bank-rolled by BDA. Mayo is now signed with BDA.

How much of a blind of an eye did coach Tim Floyd and Mike Garrett tun? Guillory is a man who was reportedly in coach Tim Floyd's office when Mayo faxed his letter of intent to USC. This is the same Guillory who got former USC guard, Jeff Trepagnier in trouble for accepting agent kickbacks. Floyd and Garrett knew who Guillory was and what he was about and knew what was up when Mayo strolled around campus in thousands of dollars in new clothes.

Floyd clearly wanted success. Garrett on the other hand was too busy enjoying his status as a football god and the man who swung the biggest sac on campus to think that this could ever come back to him.

The truth comes to the light as it so often does. Now we will see if USC has a leader with the common sense to get rid of Garrett and Floyd. That's right; it is common sense. This is not a tough decision that needs to made in the spirit of vindication. It's simple ethics and common sense. If USC keeps Garrett and Floyd around continue to show the world that USC has no integrity and that they put money and glory first.

Corruption In College Coaching

Jim Calhoun's greedy remarks are indicative of a warped system

Kelvin Sampson: A cheater trying to prosper

Scurrilous Trojans: Mike Garrett and Tim Floyd allowed OJ Mayo to cheat

Borseth: Pathetic on many levels

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