Sunday, May 2, 2010

Soccer Speed Drills

There is little skill in football more important than speed. You still have to fast to beat your defender to the goal of the enemy. As a defender, you need fast enough to overcome the other team offense. As a goalkeeper, you have to stop quickly on your toes on the ball of your network. Whatever your position, speed is important in football.

Fortunately, there are many simple exercises that you do in order to keep your body best.

Downhill Sprints - from the mountains is one of the toughest in the sprint. This will help develop coordination speed. The ideal hill you will be fully sprint without so steep that you feel the need to slow you down. Make a minimum of three sprints, pauses on the up or down by the combination of:

Uphill Sprints (cons strength training) - It takes a lot of power in the spring on a hill. Run 10 meters left, so if your slope is more than that. When combined high and low, make sure you have enough rest between sprints. Some of the Series 3 should be more than enough.

Alternative sprint start - Set up two cones or markers 20 meters apart. To increase the intensity of the sprint, a race between the players. The idea is that you do not start standing, but some other aerobic activity / function. They could be five team members push-ups, knee high, a header, you start lying or sitting on their hands. continue from this position, the Rockets player in his sprint to the cone of another, where someone is waiting for the freestyle relay team is.

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