Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yawn: The Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees in another sleeper

Umpire Joe West called out the Boston Red Sox and the Yankees for basically being attention whores and draining the life out of the game by taking extra time at the plate and on the mound. Twenty-two extra minutes of grabbing cups and pitchers pacing the mound before staring into catcher's mit (IE the camera).

Of course the Red Sox whined. Dustin Pedroia cried that the Red Sox and Yankees were so great and that their extra attention to detail was the reason why one of the two teams would be in the World Series come October. Quick note to Dusty: Did you forget how the Angels celebrated on your field last season (after sweeping your team)? And who is in first place in your own division with the best record in baseball. Here's a hint, it's not the Yankees or the Red Sox. It's the Tampa Bay Devil Rays who were in the World Series only two years ago (which is more recent than the last Red Sox appearance). So in the immortal words of Paul Gleason, "Shut your hole Wang Chung."

Everyone knows that the Yankees, Red Sox games are a time sink. I flipped through the channels and saw that three hours into the game they were just reaching the seventh inning. I could hardly care to watch the last three innings of that mind numbing junk. There is just no need to watch overpaid egomaniac Prima donnas compete in an essentially worthless tick in the 162 game baseball season. If you remember back to little league, games were called after two hours if they did not finish after two hours. I had only one game that did not get completed. The score of that game was something like 37-17 in the fifth inning. So knock off the vanity Yankees and Red Sox.

Obviously the players competed and surely the fans in attendance enjoyed themselves. But as Joe West wisely realized, what does it really mean to the Everyday Joe? It's to the point where a rerun of Married With Children is easily the better watch. You just got to catch some Sports Center and you're good.

Speaking of highlights, the Yankees come from behind win against Papelbon is worth a quick look:


Picture: Joe West probably complained about the long Yankee/Red Sox games because he is obese and hates the extra standing, but he was still on the money.

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