Friday, July 29, 2011

The State of Florida Versus Casey Anthony

A spokesman for the state attorney's office told WESH 2 News it will not challenge Casey Anthony's probation status.
Earlier Friday, the state attorney's office said it was in discussions on whether to ask Judge Belvin Perry to reconsider whether Anthony should be serving probation.

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Anthony pleaded guilty in January 2010 to 13 counts in a check fraud case.
Judge Stan Strickland sentenced her to $5,517.75 in court costs and also ordered her to serve a year of probation in Orange County upon her release from jail.
WATCH: Casey Cries, Apologizes At Check Fraud Sentencing
That probation sentence is not happening now.
After Anthony's acquittal on murder and manslaughter charges, the conditions of her probation were apparently misinterpreted by the Department of Corrections, paving the way for Anthony's release.
RAW VIDEO: Strickland Sentences Casey
Since she was released from jail, her whereabouts have been unknown.
The state attorney's office spokesman said the Department of Corrections policy allows defendants to serve probation while still in jail and not under sentence.
Since the issue came to light, Strickland's office said he did intend for Anthony to be on strict supervised probation in Orange County if it turned out she was acquitted on the other more serious felony charges that were still pending at the time.
Strickland's office said the judge has no opinion on the issue because he recused himself from the case.
Perry's spokeswoman said he would only consider the probation issue if the state attorney's office took action.

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