Monday, October 5, 2009

Brett Favre earns his North Star Favre: The Favre Minute Drive

The Favre minute drive against the 49ers

You have heard of the two minute drive. Two minute drives vary. But the conventional thinking is that a two minute drive is two minutes and the team trying to make the comeback has three timeouts left.

But when Brett Favre led the Minnesota Vikings to a come from behind 27-24 victory over the San Fancisco 49ers in Week 3 of this 2009 season, he had to go 80 yards in 89 seconds with no timeouts. The drive culminated with Brett Favre throwing a 32 yard touchdown to receiver Greg Lewis with 2 ticks left on the clock.

To honor that drive, Shots Heard is coining a new term, 'the Favre minute drive.' Whenever a team has to drive from their side of the field in 90 seconds or less with no timeouts then it shall be known as the Favre minute drive.

The Favre minute drive is reminiscient of the two minute drive in that there is generally a no huddle offense, spiking the ball, getting out of bounds, avoiding running plays and so forth. But having less time and no timeouts obviously adds to the degree of difficulty.

The difficulty of such a drive is so hard that Favre himself said that he did not expect to be able to pull of the drive. No quarterback has ever been able to consistently pull of such game winning drives. But nonetheless to honor the drive that kept the Minnesota Vikings undefeated, Shots Heard is coining the term, 'the Favre minute drive.' Remember you heard it here first.

Remembering Brett Favre's signing with the Minnesota Vikings

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