Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cedric Benson: Crying again

Do you remember when Cedric Benson was arrested and cried for his 'mommy/? Shots Heard does.

But despite the utter humiliation and his lack of work ethic and productivity for the Chicago Bears, Benson is still crying.

“I heard all the rumors that were said coming out of Chicago," Benson said. He added, "Even the Bengals told me all the things, that they would call and inquire about me and get nothing but negative things. Just that I didn’t work hard, that I was I guess a prima donna or I didn’t work hard on the field, just wasn’t focused, just anything negative that they could say, it was said. I’m sure that contributed largely to me not getting picked up right away.”

Maybe he should think it was the poultry 674 yards he had in his last season as the Chicago Bears (primary) running back. Not to mention the two alcohol induced arrests he had following that lackluster year.

And even as Benson attempts to trash the Bears as he heads into a grudge match with the Bears in Week 7 of the 2009 NFL season, Benson is only averaging 3.74 yards per carry in his Bengals career. He has not exactly proven the Bears wrong. File this under, 'Cedric Benson is still crying.'

As Stewie Griffen would say, "Go home and cry to yo mama. She waitin' for you."

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