Monday, October 5, 2009

A coward's apology by Miguel Cabrera

When a man messes up then he must take responsibility for his actions. If a man refuses to take conciliatory actions then that alleged man only compounds the problem.

Miguel Cabrera falls into the latter category.

After getting hopped up on alcohol and having a blood alcohol level three times the legal (driving/public) limit, Cabrera became volatile with his wife. The police had to be called out to handle the extremely uncooperative Cabrera.

Cabrera's blood alcohol content was .26. That means that one quarter of his blood was alcohol. That content qualifies a binge drinking. He put himself and those around him into extreme danger.

Despite the apparent mental (and threat of physical) abuse to his wife, Cabrera hid behind a statement calling this a private matter. No Cabrera! Abusing women is not a 'private matter' and you do not get to hide.

Shots Heard is calling out any media member that gives Cabrera a pass on this just because he issues a statement calling for privacy. The media, even the sports media must fulfill its traditional watchdog role.

And from a public citizen standpoint, this is not a private matter. Cabrera made this a matter of public record (via our tax dollars). We deserve to know why this problem happened and how it will not happen again. Hiding from us and calling for privacy is cowardly.

Miguel Cabrera is a coward. It is only fitting that he would be on a team that just choked away a seven game lead in less than a month. But Cabrera does not care about how this reflects on his teammates. Cowards never do care about how it reflects on the people around them.

If you asked Cabrera how this reflects on his teammates he would likely say, 'no comment.' After all, the coward needs his privacy on the matter.

Picture: Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers

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