Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2010 NBA Finals Game 4 Interficiating (Officiatiating) - Article 4 of 7

It bares repeating at every corner. David Stern's boy, the lead interficial, Joey Crawford was the Lakers sixth man for Game 1,5, and 7. He was the interficial for all of the pivotal games and naturally the Lakers won two of those three games in the series.

But the 2010 NBA Finals goes beyond Joey Crawford. Stern handpicked his interficials for every game. The terrible officiating that you see in Game 4, went on all series long! It was f'd up. And I am not going to say for a lack of a better term. I'm calling it the perfect term. It was straight-up an f'd up series and I have used all types of formal (street) terms to describe the officiating because there is just absolutely no need to put any sort of window dressing on it. It was despicable officiating if you want the polite way of saying it.

So here it is, article 4 of 7. The officiating was terrible against the Boston Celtics in every single game. Game 4 was the norm and not the exception.

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