Friday, June 11, 2010

The 2010 World Cup turns the media whores into media pimps

Jim Rome. He is notorious for making fun of soccer. He has made no qualms about brutally tearing at the fabric of soccer. Yet when the World Cup rolls around all of the sudden he is getting excited.

Jemele Hill defended Barry Bonds to the hilt, utilizing any felonious argument that she could conjure up. She unscrupulously attacked the media claiming that it was a racial witch hunt. Her racism came to a head when she wrote a column stating that rooting for the Boston Celtics was like rooting for Hitler's Nazis. Ironically, in her ignorance she overlooked that fact that the Celtics did more to break color barriers than any other team in league history.

Jemele Hill never wrote soccer columns before. For one reason or another it was never her forte. Now all of the sudden she is in South Africa writing bland articles about how soccer is unifying races in South Africa. It is a paycheck, right? It is political capital. The next time she makes an unwarranted racial shot, she will point to uninspired articles just like this as a means of defending herself.

Picture: Jemele Hill (left) and Jim Rome (right)

Noteworthy: With South Africa's tie verses Mexico in the World Cup opener, host countries are now (undefeated) 14-0-6 all-time in World Cup openers.

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