Friday, June 25, 2010

F. Joe Crawford

The 2010 NBA Finals were a joke. The officiating sucked in every game. Especially noteworthy was the NBA's use of Joe Crawford, a referee that has helped the league's 'popular' teams in the past. The NBA inserted him into the biggest games, Game 1, Game 5, and Game 7. He was able to give the Lakers the spark that Andrew Bynum could not give!

But Crawford has been screwing over teams for years. Just watch him inexplicably run into the players and call against Chauncey Billups in the closing seconds of a close 2005 Eastern Conference Finals game between the Miami Heat and the Detroit Pistons. The Heat would have to wait a year before they made it to the NBA Finals. Until 2010, the 2006 Finals was considered the worst officiated Finals in NBA history.

Forget Joey Crawford! What did you think the F stood for? You may be right.

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