Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010 NBA Finals Game 6: Celtics will have to overcome the Lakers points in the taint

The league (NBA)  heard the heavy criticism. Joey Crawford heard the criticism. The interficials were calling too many fouls in the first three games. But if you look at Game 5, particularly the fourth quarter of Game 5, you will see that there is more than one way for the Lakers to win the points in the taint. The calls that are not made can be every bit as important as the fallacious calls that are made.

The Boston Celtics had outscored the Los Angeles Lakers in each of the three quarters. They had even weathered Kobe Bryant's third quarter outburst (19 points). But an eight point lead is just a cause for the interficials to go into overdrive and put their stamp on the game. 

4th Quarter Breakdown of Game 5

At the 11:11 mark with the Lakers down 67-73, Pau Gasol drove into the lane and threw his body into his defender before throwing it into the back court for a violation. I personally was shocked that the interficials did not manufacture a foul. But that is the type of call I expect the interficials to waive their wands and make in Game 6. Seriously, just give these interficials wands. Because they are just making stuff up like it was magic on so many plays.

At the 10:10 mark, down 67-76, Kobe buried his forearm into Tony Allen and drove. Allen did not reciprocate any contact (appear to foul), slid his feet and made Kobe make a running fade away jump shot. It was the forearm that allowed Kobe to get the space. On many plays he is allowed two, three, four elbows and forearms to make sure he gets his play. The interficials call it once in a blue moon so that they can appear to have control on that matter. (It is always sad to see the L.A. fans and media marvel that Kobe got into foul trouble like in Game 2).

It is noteworthy that Kobe went back on defense and petitioned Crawford for a foul on the play even though there was no foul! I won't go into that game within the game though.

Pierce had 26 points through three quarters but he was not going to get the 'star calls' to finish the game. He would not even get the calls that should be made in any scenario. The interficials would not be denied their impact. At the 9:00 mark, up 78-69, Pierce went to the baseline against Bryant's defense. Kobe fell for a pump fake and went into Pierce's rightful shooting space. Kobe pulled a classic Bill Laimbeer (What? I didn't foul?) undercut, cutting his legs but keeping his arms up as though his body had no impact. Pierce took the foul, missed the shot. Two points in the taint for the Lakers.

Up 81-73 (6:11), Pierce drove to the hoop, got all the way to the tin and besides Bynum's late ditch attempt to stop the shot, it was essentially an uncontested lay-up. Bynum came over and hit Pierce's arm. I noticed that in game speed. On the replay of the game (naturally there was no replay during the game), I saw that Bynum got him with the body. And Bynum was in the circle too. It was a trifecta foul. But Crawford ignored it and the ball squirted off of the rim. 

On the very next possession, Ron Artest missed a three pointer. On the offensive rebound, Lamar Odom pushed off of Kevin Garnett. So not only did Odom gain a rebound on the possession, but when he got the ball, he had a wide open eight foot chip shot, which he made. It was a four points in the taint swing! The interficials would not appear to be not calling that call. They called a push-off foul against Gasol at the 9:21 mark. Right? No. The Odom foul was clear as day. Kenny Smith might go so far as to call it a 100 percent call.

Heading into the last two minutes, the interficials were likely disappointed that the Lakers had just not showed up to play. They had given them plenty of tainted calls and tainted no-calls. But they clearly keeping their points in the taint down. They wanted to guard against the perception that they were influencing the game. But like a little kid needs a push to get going on a swing, so did the Lakers need a gift. Down 79-87, Kobe put a forearm into Ray Allen to create space on a screen. Ray Allen countered by putting his arm lightly into Kobe's back (for but a brief moment). Kobe continued through his run and hoisted a wild three attempt with Allen not contesting it. He did not want to relive the agony of Game 4 in which the interficials gave Kobe three controversial late free throws. But Crawford would not be denied and made perhaps the signature interficial call of the championship series (to this point).

On the next possession, up only five now (87-82), the Celtics used all of the play clock. At the last second Ray Allen got open for a three on the right side. Kobe came from the top of of the key three area and raked Allen on the arm as he shot the ball. Jeff Van Gundy yelped how the ball was not even close to going in while ignoring Kobe's swipe on Allen's arm. But the call was not made. Six points in the taint in 25 seconds! Do you see how easy it is for the interficials to make their presence felt?

Crawford gives the Lakers a jump ball that they never had any business getting

At the 46 second mark with the score still 87-82, there was a jump ball between the 7'0" Kevin Garnett and the 6'1" Derrick Fisher. It was reminiscent of an earlier jump ball in the series between the 7'1" Pau Gasol and the 5'9" Nate Robinson. The one very notable difference would be that Robinson is a three time dunk champion and has mad ups. Jeff Van Gundy called Robinson to win the jump. Mark Jackson called him crazy and Gasol easily won the jump. 

KG does not have the explosion he once did, but Fisher can barely dunk the ball (if he still can). Fisher has a few years on KG for that matter. But conspicuously Fisher won the tip. Also conspicuous, was the lack of a replay.

If you examine Crawford's technique, you will see the subtle things he did to make hit happen. All but the left half of his foot are on Fisher's side. First he throw his left hand in the face of KG as to distract him. It did not work and for the life of me I do not know what Crawford was pretending to regulate. There was a lane position issue with Ray Allen and Lamar Odom that had been resolved. They were no longer jockeying for position, so it was not that. He was actually talking to Pierce who had both arms up with Artest being illegally allowed to intrude on his space. But Crawford's distraction did not seem to break KG's focus. It was merely an attempt to leverage his position of power against KG.

Next, Crawford did not seem to wait for both players to brace themselves. After putting his hand into KG's line of sight, he only shot Fisher a look to indicate that the tip was coming.

Then instead of holding the ball out for both players to have the ball in their vision, Crawford shot the ball from his right hip. THAT IS NOT HOW OFFICIALS ARE TAUGHT TO THROW JUMP BALLS. That is merely how interficials throw jump balls! Officials are taught to place the ball evenly between the players and throw it straight up when both players are ready.

You will noticed that Crawford does not throw the ball from an equidistant position between KG and Fisher. Only the tip of Crawford's left foot is on KG's side so that when Crawford throws the ball up, even if he appears to throw it straight up, it is already going to be six to eight inches on Fisher's side! The ball did seem to end up eight to ten inches on Fisher's side!

But besides the corrupt throw, the final slap to the face comes via the fact that Fisher hits the ball as it is still going up! That is a clear violation!

I was kicking myself when I saw Crawford would throw the ball. You could have offered me a two to one odds on KG and I would not have taken that bet! The fact that KG was much taller, merely gave me hope that even Crawford could not interficiate on this one. My hope was destroyed!

Game 6 and Game 7 (if played) will be strongly interficiated 

Celtics fans, if those unscrupulous dealings of Crawford in the 4th quarter makes your blood boil then you have not seen anything yet! Expect the worst! Perhaps we will see Rondo commit a foul with his face against Bryant's elbow like we saw in 2002 with Mike Bibby. 

Especially in the case of Game 6 expect the interficials to do their worst! The league desperately wants a Game 7. Even the established media has no shame coyly stating that all of the calls will be going the Lakers way. How bad will it be? It might compete with May 31, 2002.

The Game 6 Interficials announced

Joe Derosa (Game 1), Monty McCutchen (Game 2) and Ken Mauer will interficiate Game 6. It is noteworthy that none of the May 31, 2002 interficials (Dick Bavetta, Ted Bernhardt and Bob Delaney) have not yet interficiated this series.

A Solid Watch (Warning Explicit Lyrics) - Kobe Bryant - A notoriously dirty player

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