Saturday, June 19, 2010

A video tribute to David Stern and the media whores

Undoubtedly DS. You did your best to block the highlights of Game 7 of the 2010 Finals (at least for now). But this amateur video of the end of the game made it through your grimy filter. This video is also dedicated to the media whores who are supposed to be a watchdog against corruption. Yet they never once reported that a controversial official, Joey Crawford was the NBA's point man for Game 1, Game 5 and Game 7. Nor are the media whores bothering to report the shady officiating in the deciding quarter of the championship.

From this video, I do see Rajon Rondo get his face pushed by Pau Gasol who is able to then get the rebound instead of Rondo or Pierce. Unfortunately the replay is limited (as Tim Donaghy has pointed out in the past) and the commentators do not bother to even point it out.

Then we see Rasheed Wallace fouled out on a blocking call. Yes he was in the circle. But no he was not going for a charge. He was holding his ground to contest the shot. I thought the point of the circle was to prevent players from quick slides to take charges. Apparently it has the dual purpose of allowing superstars to recklessly slam into the lane and get a blocking call.

Actually, these complaints though are somewhat tame compared to the officiating in the first six games. It is just that there is added magnitude given the timing of these calls. David Stern and the media. You have relegated scrutiny to fringe blog sites like this. Follow the money though. We know what is going on. Fans need to demand more. Unfortunately, they likely will not. And until the next Tim Donaghy scandal breaks, this is what we can expect from the NBA. 

Note: This post is dedicated to Michael Wilbon, who used to have journalistic integrity. But all series long he was too busy kissing up to Magic Johnson (to put it politely) to care about fairness. Even in the post game show, he was quick to disregard a huge no-call (Gasol traveling) with 1:30 left in the game and the Celtics down four. We used to be able to count on you bud. Where's the outrage? You gone soft. You do not work for the people any more. You are just another enabler.

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