Friday, June 4, 2010

2010 NBA Finals Prediction / Message to the NBA

Despite the Los Angeles Lakers victory in Game 1 last night (due in large part to the company man, Joey Crawford), Shots Heard picks the Boston Celtics to win this series. Also I believe that I forgot to post the predictions for the conference finals. But the two teams I would have picked (Celtics, Lakers) did win.

Also I'd like to note that I have been seeing the company men officiate key games in the playoffs. Game 1's, close-out games, pivotal games, etc. The NBA is non-transparent organization when it comes to the regulating of officials. Monetary bonuses are not disclosed. Also, officials get paid per diem during the playoffs. So when David Stern (NBA commissioner) get the results he wants, the NBA plugs referees back into other key games to do more of the same (as John Kerry and President George W Bush are fond of saying). Because of this pathetic reality, I would not even bother watching these finals if my Celts were not in it.

I did not bother to watch one minute of the 2009 Finals in which I knew a good team (Orlando Magic) could beat the Lakers. I knew it simply would not be allowed. Last night's Game 1 was painful to watch. They called ghost fouls on the Celtics at one end and then allowed the Lakers to body the Celtics up at the other end. I even watched one play where the ball hit out of bounds off of the Lakers right in front of the referee. But instead of giving the Celtics the ball out of bounds, he allowed the Lakers to go on a successful fast break. I watched at one point as the Celtics were making a comeback, that Kobe was bailed out on two consecutive plays. So instead of the Celtics getting transition plays, they watched Kobe take four free throws and keep the game in check.

The NBA has ruined the integrity of the game and no propoganda campaign to put the corruption onus on Tim Donaghy is going to change that. So my suggestion to the NBA, when it comes to this serial use of company men, GET THE FLOCK OF HERE!

Picture 1: Two peas in a pod: Tim Donaghy may be the convicted felon, but David Stern is every bit the criminal that he is.

Picture 2: Kobe Bryant is constantly buddying up to Joey Crawford. At one point during Game 1 of the Finals (2010) he literally covered his mouth and whispered a secret to him.

Picture 3: Once, Crawford gave Tim Duncan two technical fouls while he sat on the bench and was not even talking to Crawford. Yes, that is not made up. The NBA pretended to punish him by suspending him. But he was back on the job in time to fix some playoff games.

Picture 4: It was Crawford who allowed Derrick Fisher to foul Brent Barry during Game 4 of the Conference Finals against the Lakers. Instead of awarding Barry the three free throws and consequently the series tie, the Lakers took the commanding 3-1 series lead. Even worse officiating allowed the Lakers to not be down 2-0 in that series. In Game 2 of the series, with the Lakers down 20 and the Spurs having a 1-0 lead and the following two games in San Antonio, the Lakers were allowed to foul at will.

Picture 5: Lakers always smile when they are around Joey Crawford. Just ask Derrick Fisher.

Picture 6: I put it to you Gregg (Poppovich). Would you have this problem if you were coaching the Lakers?

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