Thursday, June 12, 2008

2008 NBA Finals #2: Game 3 Analysis

The Lakers predictably won and the refs predictably helped

We all knew it. We all knew that the NBA wants a long series irregardless of who wins. As the old saying goes; just follow the money if you want the answers. Vegas had the Lakers at 5-1.

The Lakers would get the calls based on the Phil Jackson crying factor. Everytime he cries about a lack of calls, his team gets all the calls and his team wins the next game.

The refs job was made harder by all the national spotlight that the Lakers would be getting more calls after the 38-10 free throw discrepancy in Game 2. Former ref and felon Tim Donaghy threw a bigger wrench in the wheel when he accused the NBA refs of fixing games.

All the attention made the refs had to be low key about stacking the deck and nstead of the Lakers probably blowing out the Celtics by double digits, the Celtics were only an Eddie House make away from tying the game with under two minutes left. So there were not many bad calls, though the once that were bad seemed to have went against the C's.

The Lakers did enjoy the benefit of a bogus 5th foul called on him for charging as Jordan Farmar slid under Pierce and flopped with 8:56 still left in the game. You can see in the picture (with this blog) that Farmar's feet weren't planted.

The Celtics offensive leader looked timid after that, not wanting to drive and risk a 6th foul. Pierce also had to play conservatively on defense, including help-outs on Kobe Bryant drives, the Lakers outscored the Celtics 23-15 the rest the way.

The Lakers got 34 shots from the foul line to the Celtics 22. But it's the subtle differences that ellude the 'experts'. For instance, why would the Celtics pack it in defense let Kobe, an 84 percent free throw shooter get to the line 18 times? They would undoubtedly be better served putting a hand in his face and letting come what may. But if Kobe drived and their was any natural contact in the neutral space, that supposedly either player has a right to, then Kobe was going to the line.

Or how about on those drives at the end of the game when Fisher kicks it up a notch and drives into a double team creating contact and not drawing iron on a shot he never had a chance to make. Fisher knows the drill and he knows exactly when to do it. In this case it was with 1:32 left and the Lakers needing his two free throws to put the Lakers up by seven and ice the game.

The Celtics with two defenders and good shot blocking had no need to foul the six foot nothing Fisher nor did they foul him. I've seen the refs give Fisher these charity shots so much in key games that it makes me sick. How about we just give Fisher a get two free throws free card, to be used at any point in the last two minutes. Then we can at least save ourselves the charade. Fisher was one for six from the field, but yea the Celtics somehow needed to foul him?

If the game were called fairly, a coach would tell Fisher never to go into the teeth of the defense like that, but to take 15 more seconds off the clock. Jackson knows the drill too. It's ironic that Jackson is calling for an independent panel to oversee the referees. Actually it's not. Jackson does have a sense of fair play, but he's not stupid. He's going to take advantage of any quirk he can.

Also if someone has Tivo and go back to the 4th quarter with about 3:45 left and let ShotsHeard know if Derrick Fisher stepped on the line after an offensive rebound. The ref was looking right at Fisher's foot, looking like he wanted to blow his whistle, but didn't. ABC showed no replay and I had a limited vantage point.

It was probably over with 21 seconds left and the Celtics down by 6 looking for a three. But it seemed odd that the refs called a moving screen on KG. It was the type of call that is rarely called and I've never seen it called with a team down by 6 and needing a shot just to climb back in. It may well have been a moving screen, but againt the good folks at ABC did not show a replay.

Giving credit to the Lakers

Niether team played well, especially the Celtics. Pierce and KG were only 8-35, which invalidated a brilliant game by Ray Allen who 8-13 and 5-7 of threes. KG never looked comfortable on offense and the move of putting Kobe on Pierce (knowing the refs weren't going to call fouls on Kobe) worked to perfection.

KG and Pierce's inept play was canceled out by Gasol and Odom only going 5-18. Kobe had a big game to make up for it, with 36 points on only 20 shots. Kobe's numbers looked great, but the one play where he really looked great was on an up and under move on Ray Allen with 1:06 to go, to keep the Lakers up by seven and the game iced. The Lakers spaced the floor perfectly. They brought the two bigs way low, taking away PJ Brown and KG's shotblocking. They spread Fisher way out on the far side and Vujacic was spotted up near-side for a three if Pierce helped out. It was a solid isolation play and the Celtics will have to create more pressure in the future to not let a Kobe isolation look like the equivalent of a power play in hockey.

Vujacic was the biggest difference for the Lakers in Game 3 and is the Lakers only dead-eye shooter. I won't go so far as to call him "the machine". That's like calling Steve Kerr, Craig Hodges or John Paxson the machine. I see the validity, but I'm still not going there. Also that was the first time Vujacic scored 20 in the playoffs and only the third time all year. The Celtics will go at Vujacic and his girlish features a lot harder for the rest the series.

Bull Durham Response of the night

The Bull Durham response of the night went to Kobe. It wasn't a completely canned response, but it was served like crap out of a can."We just wanted to play," said Bryant, whose only flaw was an 11-of-18 night from the foul line. "I don't think anyone was feeling desperate."

No team has ever come back from 0-3. The Lakers were feeling desperate. Even with their 6th man (the refs) looking to have a good game, this one was not in the bag and this series would have been over if they lost. They had to have felt a little desperate.

Most beautiful play of the night

Coming out of a time-out, the Celtics ran a pick-n-roll with 1:28 that left KG with a wide open dunk. It worked so well that there was hardly even a Laker within the 3 point line.

Surprise of the night

Pierce and KG combined for only 19 points. Pierce only had 6 points on 2-14 shooting. He never looked smooth at any point. Garnett never looked comfortable shooting like he did in the Detroit series and the first two games of this series. KG has excelled in big games at Staples before, so that was a little odd that he went 6-21. But everyone has an off night.

Other 2008 NBA Finals Postings

2008 NBA Finals Predictions

2008 NBA Finals Posting #1: Reflecting on the first two games between the Celtics and Lakers

NBA Finals #2: Game 3 Analysis

NBA Finals #3: A Tale of '24'

2008 NBA Finals # 4: After five games we have a series

2008 NBA Finals # 5: 17 Green! - Celtics beat the Lakers like Days of Yore

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