Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nobutaka Tada dishonors horse racing; He withdrawals Casino Drive from the Belmont Stakes due to a 'not serious' alleged injury

Big Brown is going for the first triple crown since 1977 and his main rival in the heralded Belmont Stakes, Casino Drive will not be racing due to a "not serious" injury, an alleged bruise on his hoof. The horse's Japanese manager, Nobutaka Tada said he did not want to risk any further damage in the 1 -1/2 mile race.

Wait. I smell something? Horse sh........

Horse racing is big business. The winners of these races are making a ton of money and a horse's career is for only about two years. It's now or never for these horses, who also live for the competition, despite what P.E.T.A. might have you believe. So who's money is Casino Drive's handlers taking back to Japan?

Perhaps Casion Drive was named after the people paying Tada and not an obscure Japanese rock band. Or perhaps someone isn't paying him; but in the spirit of horse-racing, I wouldn't bet on that!

It was thought that Casino Drive's style could hinder Big Brown. Experts were saying that Casino Drive's style could keep Big Brown back closer to the pack. So there were plenty of people who would like to not see Casino Pack in the hunt.

Boxers are notorious for taking dives for a payout. In that case they often throw away their individual careers. A horse owner can just go to the next horse. We should not be so blind as to think these things are not going on in horse racing.

"It's not serious, it's just a matter of timing," Tada said. "The horse is OK."

Casino Drive developed "symptoms" on Friday and rested that day. On his Saturday morning work-out he showed no ill effects.

He'd be ready to go then right?

Nope. He went right back to Japan after that.

What other owners or jockeys have been paid to dog it or interfere with competitors?
For the first time, I started to care about horse racing. But nah. I need to care about this like I need to care about whoever the current three heavyweight champs are (That's right three champs and four belts).

Have the Triple Crown Big Brown. But I just don't give a.... If horse racing can't hold it's owners to a higher standard like NASCAR does, then they are not getting any love from ShotsHeard.

Just a thought; do they still practice Harry Caray in Japan?

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