Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2008 NBA Finals Posting #1: Reflecting on the first two games between the Celtics and Lakers

Sam Cassell helps the Celtics win Game 1

Sam Cassell played 13 minutes in Game 1, most likely Doc Rivers felt a need to take some of the pressure off of his young starting point guard Rajon Rondo. Sam Cassell would hope that it has more to do with the vital role he hopes to play on a team that does not necessarily need him to win.

Cassell shot only 4-9, but a couple of his post-up shots against Derrick Fisher came at times when the C's really needed it.

It's somewhat of a slow burn for Cassell watching most of the series from the bench though. He had complained about his almost non-existent role in the Detroit series. But he said that it did not compare to the trials he went through when he first came into the league. If being a main gaurd along with with Mario Elie, Kenny 'The Jet' Smith, Vernon Maxwell and Clyde Drexler on the back-to-back champion Rockets counts as hard times than I can certainly see what where he's coming from.

But the slower burn, is that he has to watch while Ray Allen still gets a lot of glory for being part of 'The Big Three'. Cassell used to be a part of another big three that included Ray Allen, Glenn 'Big Dog' Robinson and himself. Now he is scarcely mentioned as a factor on a potential championship club. But hey, he's getting some love from ShotsHeard. He's getting his picture and the first shout-out in this blog entry. Not bad.

Phil Jackson complains about discrepancy in Game 2

The Lakers were out shot from the line 38-10 and 13-10 by reserver, Leon Powe. It seems that Powe was at the line so much because when he wasn't getting hacked he was giving the Lakers some serious facials. I think the Celtics may have got the typical NBA benefit of being at home. But they were easily more aggressive and nobody can point at a bunch of calls that should've been called.

What gets me is that I've seen Phil do this time and time again; complaining about the refs going into crucial playoff games. I've seen him redirect whole series against the Spurs and Kings this way.

If you can snake an entire game (a two-game swing) would you not go for it? Don't think Phil is looking for fairness. He is looking for an advantage. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain. And the fact that the NBA did not fine him for his recent complaints could be an indication that it could work again!

Rondo had 16 assists in Game 2.

Despite being no discernable threat to score, aside from the occasional short baseline jumpshot on hitting cuts of a KG double team, Rondo was able to get 16 assists instead of being forced to shoot. He was 1-4 in Game 2. The Lakers cannot afford to defend Rondo like he’s Nash, when his shot is more like that of Kurt Rambis.

We saw the Lakers get ate up at the PG last time they were in a 2004 Finals. A prime Chauncey Billups went around Derrick Fisher and Gary Payton at will. The Pistons won that series 4-1. Hmmm...

Pierce outplaying Kobe; Celtics are outplaying the Lakers

To say Pierce is outplaying Bryant is an understatement. Pierce has 50 points on 26 shots, which is amazing. Bryant has 54 points on 49 shots, which is pedestrian. Pierce is not better than Bryant, but he is playing within the offense, while Bryant has spent many possessions playing one on five.

The Celtics do not even have their main defensive stopper, Tony Allen who is out for the series with a back injury. Allen got one of his eleven regular season starts against the Lakers in LA. He held Kobe to 22 points on 6-25 shooting.

The Celtics team defense is allowing the Celtics to still progress. The Celtics stack the court, ball-side. With Kobe trying to be Mr. super-star, the Lakers have played into their hands. They are not giving him the three and if he goes inside, KG, Perkins and Power are great at blocking and altering shots.

Nine out of ten ESPN 'experts' predicted the Lakers to win

It was not crazy to pick the Lakers. But clearly the Celtics must feel disrespected. They won 66 games, 9 more than the Lakers, sweeping them in the regular season. The Celtics had a much better points against average than the Lakers 90.3 to 101.3. Did we stop believing in the adage that defense wins ball games? Surely the experts aren't that in love with the Pau Gasol addition? Even the Shaq led Lakers teams faced uncertainty when playing teams like the Miller led Pacers, Duncan led Spurs and flat out better Kings.

Is it because the Celtics are from 'the weaker conference?' Well the Celtics winning percentage .866 (25-5) is better than their .789 winning percentage in their own conference (41-11).

What's more mind boggling is the seveb 'experts' that picked picked the Lakers in six or seven games. So they predicted the Celtics to be able to win a couple games yet lose the biggest games on their home court. Three 'experts' predicted the Celtics to lose in seven. Wow. I think those experts didn't really foresee the Celtics losing a Game 7 on their home court. They saw the Lakers in four or five, but just did not want to look completely off if that did not happen. It was the safe bet because who honestly thought the Celtics would win in four or five games?

Odom not playing a big role; Gasol not so much of a bigger role

Odom is shooting 50 percent in the first two games, but on only 22 shots. Gasol is second on the Lakers team with 23 shots, for which Gasol made 14 of them. Kobe should have “faith in his teammates.” He allegedly won an MVP based on that concept.

But hey, why go defer to Odom and Gasol, who are shooting 25-45 (55.5 percent) when you can outshoot them both at 20-49 (40.8 percent).

The Celtics admittedly play a packed in defense though. So it is natural to see more shots out of guys like Vujacic and Fisher. Still there is plenty of room for Kobe who is getting swarmed on drives to dish it to Odom and Gasol for open mid range shots. Of course they are more likely to go run for an offensive board or get ready to jog back on defense once they see Kobe is about to drive to the hoop.

Pierce’s pseudo knee injury in Game 1

No comment at this time. That one requires an entire blog entry. I do believe while I was sitting in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin with nothing to do, I hand-wrote a rough-draft that talked somewhat directly about that. If I haven't lost it and I like it, maybe I'll even post it.

Other 2008 NBA Finals Postings

2008 NBA Finals Predictions

2008 NBA Finals Posting #1: Reflecting on the first two games between the Celtics and Lakers

NBA Finals #2: Game 3 Analysis

NBA Finals #3: A Tale of '24'

2008 NBA Finals # 4: After five games we have a series

2008 NBA Finals # 5: 17 Green! - Celtics beat the Lakers like Days of Yore

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