Thursday, June 5, 2008

NFL: Corruption in the air as former steroid dealer and his girlfriend are found murdered

Convicted steroid dealer, David Jacobs, 35 and his former fiance, Amanda Jo Earhart-Savell, 30 were found dead this morning at Jacobs' Plano, TX home. Jacobs, who was in the second month of a three year probation for dealing steroids, is known to have supplied anabolic steroids to at least two NFL players including Matt Lehr of the New Orleans Saints.

It is not clear how much Jacobs knew, but we are sure he knew significant incriminating information. It was information he was hesitant to go public with.
"The kinds of people I know about could put a bullet in the back of my head," he told ESPN writer, Shaun Assael.
After being sentenced to probation on May 1, Jacobs told the New York times that he hoped to tell NFL officials about the "loopholes in the (drug testing) system." Jacobs had talked to NFL officials twice since his May 1 probation verdict. The NFL has eluded to the fact that he did implicate players, but of course is not releasing any information while their investigations are ongoing.

ShotsHeard has long suspected that the NFL has not necesarily been better than MLB in their drug testing. They have managed to avoid the scandals though. Are their insiders willing to do it even to the point of homicide?

Or is this a matter of a player wanting to save his behind and get rid of a witness? Or is it something else?

Whoever perpetrated this murder hopes Jacobs secrets go to the grave with him. ShotsHeard believes the NFL has a civic responsibility to fully disclose Jacobs' allegations rather than to withhold secrets in an almost cult-like fashion.

Sadly enough we will likely have to rely on law enforcement disclosures and possibly leaks. Don't look for the NFL to take the lead in exposing themselves. The NFL can say they express their sympathies all they want, but they hope to bury those sympathies and possibly the rest of the truth six feet deep come funeral time. Or maybe the NFL will clear their allegedly good name (laugh).

Perhaps the killers are not connected to NFL executives, but rather desperate players or something else. But we do know that the NFL executives message will be heard loud and cl
ear over the next weeks and months based on what they say or more likely don't say.

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