Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Useful Soccer Tricks

Body feints of scissors only professional football soccer moves and you're not seeing any other game. More and more soccer players to play special moves and steps to increase use. But the game they are doing the best move?

I made a list of five football is very useful tricks. The trick usually defeat your opponent.

1 - Scissors

Although Chuck is a very old trick, still very effective. Your opponent to focus entirely on the balls you have to face. But it's hard when you do a good scotch.

Also, running in a very good combination with the other is cheating. Start with a look and follow along with bullets, for example.

2 - Step

During the very effective trick when you completely Guru. You use it to send your opponent the wrong way, or to buy their time and place.

Steps can be widely used. You used to get it while dribbling, but when is still standing.

But you can also customize your move. For example, more than two steps to try to step up right foot and then his left. During the active phase it out, it is very defense that your opponent with his back to the line comes close to useful.

3 - Turn Cruyff

In my opinion, Cruyff turn should be all kinds of lists. Soccer tricks easy to learn the game, easy to apply and very effective.

Johann Cruyff soccer since the scheme began, many other football players start using this trick, was another variation. I am one you can customize this plan brings to the great benefit. The trick to screw you want to change. Be creative!

4 - Turn Marseille

Marseille turn to show off the same trick, but really very useful. Just make sure sure it is not used excessively. It might hurt your opponent.

Imagine you drop by drop. Event, you touch the ball a little too hard. Your opponent goes for the ball. The appropriate time for use in March has been disabled. Turn your body between the ball and his opponent with his launch Marseille. In addition, you also beat your opponent, and continue dribbling.

5 - pronounced shoulder

The proposal has been less clear, but still very useful. Simple steps are not listed. After you connect to the game for you no matter what your status.

This is a football move. You use it to put your opponent on the feet make mistakes.

The move almost any technology, you need all the time and experience is required. Like many other simple tricks, your needs, or to pursue other tricks can set the trick.

This trick is very useful in five games. Marseille turn, except to learn hard and does not apply.

Do not underestimate it though. I move to the best soccer players who want to use, that need time and experience soccer tricks can be combined successfully recommended the request.

Practice these tricks and keep practicing. You will see that after a while, you answer your opponents start using fraud measures. You do not have to overthink them as far as the beginning. Good luck!

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