Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You shut up Randy Levine! - Reagan-esque message to Bud Selig: 'Tear down this wall!'

"Hey Bud, what's your problem?" Spigoli ('Fast Times At Ridgemont High') might ask that of Bud Selig. He has allowed for the wall of power between the New York Yankees and the rest of baseball to stand. And the wall is not metaphorical. The wall would vastly extend like the Berlin Wall, were it made of dollar bills. The financial wall that has existed between the New York Yankees and the rest of baseball has been in effect since the days of Babe Ruth (almost one century).

The Milwaukee Brewers are struggling to resign their big star, Prince Fielder. Meanwhile the Yankees' payroll is two hundred fifty percent more than the Brewers' payroll. The Yankees infield payroll of $82.5 million is more than the entire Brewers payroll of $80 million.

Naturally whenever the discrepancy in payrolls is brought up, the Yankees are fond of bringing up the undercurrent of revenue sharing. That is precisely the card, Yankees president, Randy Levine pulled this time around. And he further insulted everyone, telling the Brewers owner to stop "whining." But those payments are nothing but payoffs to excuse the New York Yankees from having to play by the same rules. Even the Boston Red Sox, who at times have had the second highest payroll) have complained about the discrepancy in payrolls. The Yankees treated their complaints with similar disdain.

News Flash: Ronald Reagan's trickle down economics did not solve the prosperity gap between 'the haves' and the 'have nots' in the American economy and it certainly is not going to do that in baseball. Therefore anytime someone complains, they are doing it from a position of disadvantage. The Yankees are keenly aware of this systematic aspect. So you shut up Randy Levine!

Again, Shut up Randy Levine! Fans should not have to put up with knowing that if they have a top five talent, that their player will probably go to the Yankees once free agency hits. This is a problem and baseball needs to deal with it. We do not need the familiar smoke and mirror argument of revenue sharing.

This issue went away due to the fact that the inept Yankees could not buy a championship for a decade. So again, you shut up Randy Levine! Anybody with the last name Cashman or Steinbrenner, we are giving you a preemptive shut up! Shots Heard has harsher words for all of you. But this is a family blog

Picture 1: President Ronald Reagan commanded Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in no uncertain terms to tear down the Berlin Wall. Were he a baseball owner, he might give a similar command to MLB commissioner Bud Selig to tear down the New York Yankees wall of money.

Picture 2: Randy Levine, New York Yankees President. Again, shut up!

Picture 3: Sage advice on a Ronald Reagan shirt.

Picture 4: The 'Fetman' gets the ladies.

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