Friday, April 23, 2010

Soccer Positions - Who Does What on the Field

Goalkeeper is usually the name of Hafiz or goalkeeper. Goalkeeper is addressed in the region to protect against defamatory attacks. Goalkeeper Players may only use his hand games.

Defenders - the goalkeeper, defender of the line for a team defense. In one third of the next field goal remained, ready to steal the ball from opponents and pass it to your team midfielder or striker. Line of defense is to center backs, made defender / midfielder and sweeper / liberos. In general, center backs are to the nearest second purpose, and defense spending closer to the corners. Libero means 'free' in Italy. libero / sweeper goes where it is needed in order to be awarded the ball back in the hands of your team (or foot, as the case). Sweepers do not always use.

Midfielders - Midfielders are not part of the line of attack, not defense. The stoppers are working to give the ball away from goal to maintain as possible. If the team a strong midfield player, it will do too little work for the defenders. Midfield player can also be added to offenders if their team to control the ball to. If more than one team midfield players in the game, often a focus on defense and other crimes.

Also as before the strike. The goal is to move forward in the opposite direction of the target ball. Forward to working with, passing the ball the line a perfect shot against the other teams. Although the midfielder was able to score, which usually get all the goals in front. If a person is to achieve self goals more than the other front there, so he called Don.

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