Friday, April 23, 2010

Soccer History Opens the Door to the Origin of Soccer

Football competition with a long history and roots of the mid-19th be century. Football can be found in various forms of football to be very popular in England at the end of 1840th Even then, historians believe that football to 1004 BC, when players are used in Japan to kick the ball around the field is small, can be dated. Interesting Chinese historical texts has shown that a game was similar to modern football between teams from Japan and China play to 50 BC)

Football history also shows that the Roman version of the game of football and also introduced into the modern Olympic Games in Rome in the early. But in early Rome Olympic Games, football teams from 27 players on each side to fight for booty. Regarding the history of football, modern football came to life when the first set of rules for the game in 1848, is produced at the University of Cambridge. Come to think - King Edward of England (1307-1327) visited the prison for anyone who is transferred to threaten actually play the game. The fact that the first university in Cambridge come without rules football, Eton College, and led them certain rules for the game in 1815.

Cambridge Law in 1848 has found a place in the history of football. These laws should be an effective role in the development of modern football are written in Trinity College, Cambridge has. Football rules by representatives of some of the best colleges in England, including Harrow, Eton, Winchester, Rugby have emerged, and Shrewsbury. Although the law did not exist, a few small local clubs began the game by the laws in the 1850s. Of course, create some local clubs and even different prices to its rulebook for the game and went to a club is Sheffield FC. Sheffield Football Club resulted from the former students of the public in 1857 and eventually formed Football Association in 1867 in Sheffield, was formed.

Football Association (FA) was founded in 1863 and the Cup for the first time organized in 1871. People on to win Cup football and more, a large number of British sport. In 1885, FA (Football Association) important step in the recognition and acceptance of the legitimacy of doing a professional footballer. Three years later, in 1888, was formed by 12 clubs football league in England and this was one of the most historic moments. In fact, this is where the modern history of football was founded.

The first international football match on 30 November 1872 in Glasgow, Scotland began. Two English teams, including all the stars and the All Star team of the Scottish team competition ended in a scoreless draw. World Cup FIFA World Cup, as we know now, instead of for the first time in 1930 in Uruguay and they were world champions as wel

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