Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soccer and Our Love For the Game All Over the World!

Imagine a game that does not need the $ 100 console does not require network or Hoop, does not require a particular type of ground, but just do something in the shape of a sphere. This is exactly the fantasy football offering the most popular sport in the world. Which country you go, if she hit a developed country like America or the nation of poverty such as Zimbabwe, you can always find people to play football.

Soccer does not need nothing fancy, just a ball and anything can and then goals for anyone, regardless of skill level to participate and have fun. Even if they do not play football is just fantastic, they show their players their best, but mostly have fun. You see the fans in the stadium singing with all their heart, player, do not until the final whistle, this is not the most beautiful game of football?

Another reason is that the modern world, the media and those that fame and wealth will also be added. Soccer generates great revenue for the media with popular figures such as David Beckham. And these days, players can earn $ 20,000 a week easy playing in a higher league. In addition, there is a great, simple and fun rest and movement, youth and elderly alike can participate. You can go to another country with another language, but always understand each other while playing football!

Not only those in virtually every country in the world can the football great to participate, whether continent or even the great World Cup competition. And maybe anyone in the world push their nation forward in the hope of winning. It is not so long that I went briefly through Africa, and play an array of two little boys football was placed before me. They were with long branches and sticks as targets and a ball of some kind of leather and it was in the middle of nowhere. Add it felt to me like a few hours of an honor, I could not speak to them directly in their mother tongue, but they were clear and around the world, someone somewhere writing a blog football!

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