Ball control is what I like in football, fitness and strategy before the other attributes are considered as the most important element. There is a saying that if you can play ball, you can control. In fact, I have a Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Inter Milan stumbled a player, quotes to say that if you have the ball, you can benefit from it. But the majority of football players who still ignore the importance of free football. Reasons for this and a show of them seriously soccer tricks and brings only the modern game are reduced. Very true, but let us not forget the concept of ball control. Players learn to raise a freestyle-specific permits to be touching the first touch. If you buy have a good first contact to thousands of seconds to give you an edge over the opposition.
The second is a moment that can change where the modern game demands, especially in this fast and furious football game. As a result of these reasons, they do not even care in the first place. On the other hand, it is something that free, creativity and ball control and touch can express to greater heights perceived as love football to improve. But I free those who are ignorant and can not are football slightest interest more cause for concern. The problem is, they may not know where on sites like YouTube, after having to start a series of free video streaming, in particular. I assume that they only saw the hard features and forget about the basics of football, rather than free. I believe that free football all over the world like football more advanced magic tricks, exotic, flip flap and others before she was on the types of plants start with the basics. This has been juggling all kinds of ball control dribbling with the theory is important. In this case, as I spell it refers to the free will concentrate on football.
Magic Ball
Just drop the ball on the ground, without the need for the kick and the feet in different parts of the body by extension, leg, shoulder and head. A second goal is part of your magical abilities in a position to want to link to. For example, transferred from the club on your thighs its magic. You start with a simple transfer from the upper and lower leg and head, as the Magic can do to transfer more advanced reforms. Once you have mastered magic, stop planting or a football can begin.
Ball planting
To compensate for the ball on the foot, such as the ability to balance the ball on a particular section of the body. You keep your foot on the ball and once mastered, you can start by, you can use the ball with his juggling system. For example, his legs, then transferred to his thigh and then it means your feet with foot juggling with balance system. Concentrate on these two options will help you learn some tricks on the basis of free football to start building confidence. Better to coordinate your magical skills and the ability planting his skills, especially when you add or change your practice increases. move for this one, I recommend it to all over the world soccer trick theory. Once you have mastered this trick, you other MATW, TATW, etc. Foreign trick moves like a tough football is a greater chance that you just rotate the foot on the ball either magic or footplant and how to accomplish kick on the turn.
These basic things you need to be constantly kept in mind, are a couple. Similar to soccer, are techniques very important and I recommend a lot of commitment and once with the practice rule to promote these tricks, you will begin to appreciate the beauty of football for free.
Sabas pahalē, hama Eka Sarala savāla Satha suru ke, kya hai phuṭabŏla PHRI? PHRI phuṭabŏla Kevala Saili Aura Jadu ke karane li'ē Aura Jamina cālōṁ mem vibhinna phuṭabŏla Calem gaṭhabandhana ki hai kṣamatā. Yaha pām̐ca Eka pakṣa phuṭasala Aura Samudra tata phuṭabŏla jais an'ya prakāra ke Satha Eka phuṭabŏla mem na'ī pravr̥tti hai. Eka phuṭabŏla sandarbha mem, PHRI ādhunika Khela kama ke ke mahatva rūpa mem JATA mana hai. Hālāṅki, PHRI phuṭabŏla Eka phuṭabŏlara ke li'ē GENDA kō niyantrita karane kṣamatā mem sudhāra karatā ki hai.
GENDA para hai niyantraṇa jō maim phiṭanēsa Aura raṇanīti jais an'ya viśēṣatā'ōṁ se pahalē phuṭabŏla mem Sabas mahatvapūrṇa tatva rūpa mem ke mana hai JATA. Vahām̐ hai hai ki Eka kahāvata Agara Tuma GENDA kō Apa isa kara kara Khela kō niyantrita sakatē haim niyantrita sakatē Haim. Vāstava mem, maim Eka Zlatan Ibrahimovic hai, Eka khilāṛī iṇṭara Milana ṭhōkara kha'i ki, ki hai ud'dharaṇa Jaba taka Tuma GENDA Rahi Hai kaha to āpakō lābha Hoga. Phira bhi abhi bhi phuṭabŏla khilāṛī Kā bahumata PHRI phuṭabŏla ke mahatva kō anadēkhā. Isak Karana piche se hai aura uname Eka Rahe haim ki phuṭabŏla Calem niṣpādita karane li'ē muśkila hai ke aura Kevala ādhunika Khela li'ē ke lata hai kama kara Rahe Haim. Bahuta Sahi hai, ki lēkina GENDA para niyantraṇa avadhāraṇā kō bhūla Nahim Karate-Haim. Sīkhanā Eka PHRI sṭā'ila khilāṛī Apani chu viśēṣa rūpa se pahalī sparsa kō baṛhānē ke deta hai li'ē anumati. Eka Mahana pahalī sparsa Tuma kharīdatā sēkaṇḍa mili ke ke hajārōṁ karane li'ē Apa vipakṣī para Eka baṛhata de.
Una pala sēkaṇḍa Eka mem ādhunika Khela Hai Yaha jahām̐ tēja Aura ugra phuṭabāla māṅgōṁ mem viśēṣa rūpa se Khela Badala sakata hai. Una kāraṇōṁ Kā Eka pariṇāma rūpa mem ke, ve bhi pahalī jagaha mem parēśāna Nahim karate. Dūsarī Ora, jo hai ki ve PHRI Yaha Kucha Apani sr̥janātmakatā vyakta karane Aura Aura chu niyantraṇa GENDA para para se Eka adhika adhika hā'iṭsa karane ke li'ē sudhāra kara sakatē haim rūpa mem ke mana phuṭabāla pyāra se hai. Lēkina maim jō loga anabhijña haim Aura PHRI phuṭabŏla Thori para si ke bhi ruci Nahim Hō sakata li'ē Aura adhika cinta Kā Visayas Raha Hai. Samasyā hai, hai ve Nahim Janat Hō sakata jahāṁ yūṭyūba jaisī sā'iṭōṁ para PHRI sṭrīmiṅga vīḍiyō ki Eka śrr̥ṅkhalā kō Deccan ke bada viśēṣa rūpa se ke suru karane li'ē. Maim mana raha hum ki ve Kevala muśkila cala Dekha Aura bajāya PHRI phuṭabŏla mula ki Batem bhūla jā'ō. Mujhe hai ki viśvāsa PHRI phuṭabŏla Jadu Aura adhika unnata carom Ora ki Duniya taraha phuṭabŏla Calem, vidēśī, phlipa prālamba Aura dūsarōṁ li'ē para ke se calatī pahalē planting taraha mula ke ki suru Satha Karana cāhi'ē. Yaha se bada hai ke karataba dikhānē mahatvapūrṇa GENDA niyantraṇa para ke ke ke sabhī prakāra sid'dhānta Dribbling Satha hai. Isa Mammal mem, maim Jadu ke se bada hai sambandhita Yaha PHRI phuṭabŏla se para Dhyana kēndrita karēgā.
Basa Jamina GENDA dene ke bina para Gira lata APA kara Rahi Hai Aura paira Sarira ke se ke vibhinna bhāgōṁ mem Vistara dvārā Kiya, jāṅgha, Kandh sira aura. Uddēśya ke li'ē Eka Bhaga se apan Jadu Kausala Dusar se Linka karane mem sakṣama Hō JATA hai. Udāharaṇa ke li'ē, Apani jāṅgha paira se ke apan li'ē Jadu hastāntaraṇa. Apa Eka sādhāraṇa hastāntaraṇa Satha ke se suru Aura paira jāṅgha kō Jadu ki kara sira aura Phira taraha sakatē haim Aura adhika unnata sthānāntaraṇa karane ke li'ē sudhāra. Eka bara Jaba Apa mem mahārata hāsila Jadu hai, ya to APA planting phuṭabŏla Eka ki GENDA kō rōkanē suru kara sakatē Haim.
GENDA Planting
Karane ke apan li'ē paira para ke GENDA bica santulana Sadhan taraha ki apan ke Sarira Eka viśēṣa Bhaga para GENDA Sesa kṣamatā. Apa apan paira para GENDA rakhanē Eka aura bara Apa mem mahārata hāsila dvārā hai suru kara sakatē Haim, Apa ke apan karataba dikhānē daurāna GENDA sanyantra kara sakatē Haim. Udāharaṇa ke li'ē, APAN paira jō Phira Apani jāṅgha kō hastāntarita Aura Phira ise apan paira Yani paira sanyantra ke ke Satha santulana Satha hathakaṇḍā. Ina dō kṣamatā'ōṁ para phōkasa karane mem Madada karēgā Apa buniyādī PHRI phuṭabŏla Kucha gura sīkhanē para ke ke suru karane li'ē viśvāsa Kā Nirmana. Apan Jadu Kausala mem sudhāra Aura paudha rōpaṇa Apani samanvaya kṣamatā viśēṣa rūpa Jaba Apa se apan Kausala kō Jorane ya parivartita karane Kā Abhyasa baṛha Jati hai. Isa eka ke li'ē, maim carom Ora ki ki Duniya cala cala phuṭabŏla siphāriśa kyōṅki Yaha saba ke hai sid'dhānta lagēgā. Eka bara Jaba Apa isa mem cala mahārata hāsila hai, to APA an'ya MATW, TATW, Adi vidēśī cala ki taraha Kathina phuṭabŏla Calem kara Eka Kā bara Mauka hai basa ke ke li'ē GENDA āsapāsa paira Ghuman apan ke bada Ya to Jadu Apa ya footplant Aura Yaha ke lata mem rūpa khatma Rōṭēśana prakriyā kō karane ke pura li'ē.
Ina Batem mula ki hai Apa lagātāra Mana ki mem Bhalu āvaśyakatā Hogi ke Eka Jore Haim. Phuṭabŏla ke isi li'ē prakāra, takanīka bahuta mahatvapūrṇa haim Aura maim atyadhika Tuma samarpaṇa Kā Eka Eka aura bahuta Kucha hai ke bara mem mahārata Satha ina cālākiyōṁ Abhyasa karane ke li'ē prōtsāhita Karate-Haim on APA PHRI phuṭabŏla ki ki khūbasūratī sarāhanā suru kara denge.
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