Monday, August 22, 2011

DSK Maid: Lies Upon Lies

What began with one lie (denial of sexual encounter) has blossomed to many lies; so many, in fact, that without a credible testimony, there will be no prosecution:

DA filing to reveal new 'bombshells' about DSK accuser's credibility


Last Updated: 12:19 PM, August 22, 2011
THE END IS NEAR: Prosecutors will seek to dismiss charges that former IMF honcho Dominique Strauss-Kahn sexually assaulted Sofitel hotel maid Nafissatou Diallo, after new revelations emerged about her lying to investigators.
She lied about sex. She lied about money. She even lied about lying.
That's the conclusion of Manhattan prosecutors, who promise they'll drop "bombshells" in detailing new credibility issues for the hotel maid at the center of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn sex-assault case, according to two sources briefed on a document the DA will file as early as today.
The new details will include evidence that the maid lied to prosecutors about her caught-on-tape plotting for a Strauss-Kahn payday just one day after the alleged assault, and that she also lied to them about having had sex the night before the alleged assault -- a consensual encounter that offers an innocent explanation for redness cited by her lawyers as proof of Strauss-Kahn's guilt, the sources said.
"There are going to be bombshells," one source said of the lengthy document, which is expected to be filed and released to the public any time after prosecutors officially reveal its contents to Strauss-Kahn's accuser, maid Nafissatou Diallo, and her lawyer late this afternoon.
Called a Dismissal on Recommendation motion, or DOR, the document will ask Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Michael Obus to dismiss the entire indictment against Strauss-Kahn when the former International Monetary Fund honcho appears in court tomorrow.
The DOR will argue that the charges cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt given Diallo's lack of credibility as sole witness to the alleged attack, according to sources on both sides of the case who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Prosecutors have already stated in a June 30 court filing that Diallo admittedly lied to prosecutors and immigration officials about a fictitious gang rape in her native Guinea, invented a fictitious second child on tax forms, and claimed to grand jurors that she cowered in fear in the hallway outside Strauss-Kahn's luxe Sofitel hotel suite after the alleged attack -- when actually, she had gone on to clean two empty rooms, including DSK's.
But the DOR will include never-before-revealed allegations that Diallo has repeatedly deceived prosecutors and other officials about curious cash deposits into her bank accounts, about her questionable personal relationships, and about whether she had talked with anyone about cashing in against the well-heeled former banker.
The document is not expected to delve into contradictory accounts of the alleged assault that Diallo made in flouting DA requests that she remain anonymous and not grant news interviews, a source said.
"There are plenty of other contradictions for the document to discuss," the source said.
Defense lawyer Benjamin Brafman declined to comment on the pending dismissal, as did the Manhattan DA's Office.
Diallo lawyer Kenneth Thompson also declined to comment.
Meanwhile, Thompson is expected today to request a special prosecutor take over the case, The Daily Beast reported, saying the move is unlikely to work.

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