Sunday, August 21, 2011

Missing: Katelyn Markham

Prayer Vigil Held in Ohio for Missing 22-Year-Old Woman

Published August 20, 2011

Please note that this article is from Fox news, with quotes placed in italics for emphasis, and Statement Analysis and/or commentary in bold type.  We are currently seeking statements from those close to the case, for the purpose of publishing analysis. See quote on bottom.   

An Ohio community held a prayer vigil on Friday for 22-year-old Katelyn Markham, who has not been seen since last Saturday, Fox19 News reported.

Markham's fiance, John Carter, spoke at the vigil in Fairfield, asking the crowd to remember her smile and good spirits. Katelyn's father also stepped to the altar thanking everyone for their support.

We do not have any quotes here from John Carter.  If there are any, please post them in the comments section. 

"[I want to] remind people that she is missing and not to forget," said Markham. "I want her to come home and I expect her to walk through the door any day."    
Friends and family are trying everything they can to get Markham's name and face out there through posters, buttons and even a slide show was made for the vigil, with dozen of pictures of Katelyn.
"I got like maybe seven hours of sleep this week, I've thought about her non-stop," Brandy Duarte, a friend of Markham's told Fox 19 News. "I have never had this happen to a friend before so this is all new to me. I'm frustrated, I want to find her and I pray and hope she is OK." 
After two organized searches and a week of investigating, police still have very little to go on and say they're not ruling anything out. "Just to vanish with out a trace is very unreal," Markham said.
On Thursday, Fairfield Police Chief Mike Dickey said foul play was not suspected in Markham’s disappearance.
We have no evidence of it. It’s speculation, certainly. It’s something that has crossed our mind,” Dickey said. “Thinking foul play is one thing, but having evidence to back that up is something else.”
Her car, keys and purse were all left behind. The only items missing are Markham and her cell phone, which was shut off around 12:45 a.m. Sunday.
Her phone hasn’t been accessed since she went missing, Dickey said.
We are maintaining an extensive effort to try to locate her. We will maintain that until all leads we can develop are exhausted,” Dickey said.
"It is still hard to believe that she is gone without a trace and no clues or anything."
The vigil was a time to share strength and to pray. In the front pew sat Markham's father and other family members, all hoping that she is safe and comes home soon.
"We just want someone who knows something to say it and speak up," said David Markham, Katelyn's father. "Because somebody knows something and we need to know that."
Facebook page, "Missing! Bring Katelyn Markham Home" has been set up to aid in the search.

While the family prays for Markham’s safe return, Carter said he is “absolutely sure something “suspicious” happened to his fiancee.
Please note that this is not a full quote to work from.  A full quote may reveal why he thinks "absolutely" something "suspicious" happened to her, but media has cut his words. 
She’s literally the sweetest girl,” he said. “She’s so nice and caring. She would never just leave. She’s just too pragmatic. I’m just absolutely terrified.

Here, he refers to her as a "girl" and it is needed to know how he refers to her in context.  We would like to know about being "terrified" as well.  

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