Friday, August 19, 2011

Video: Josh Powell Speaks As Police Follow New Lead

Did Josh Powell Murder Susan?
yes the camping trip was a bad lie
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I will allow body language analysis comment on this video.  Perhaps Dr. Lillian Glass will weigh in.  Regarding his statements, the topic of support from people is sensitive to him.  Being "overjoyed":  does this indicate confidence that her remains are not in the Nevada dessert?   Statement Analysis in bold type.   

  Husband of missing Puyallup woman: 'Looking forward to search'

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Posted on August 18, 2011 at 10:42 PM
Updated yesterday at 11:01 PM
PUYALLUP, Wash. -- For the first time Susan Powell's husband speaks out as investigators have a new lead in her disappearance more than a year and a half ago.
"Frankly I'm overjoyed," said Josh Powell, who said he is looking forward to Friday's search for his wife near Ely, Nevada.
Note that "frankly" indicates that he has not always been "frank" or forthcoming in statements (which, if you have followed his statements, is a gross understatement as he has kept his mouth shut more than most).  By using "frankly" he alerts us that he is aware of his withholding of information, or his lack of "frankness" to the media in this case. 
Josh hasn't spoken publicly since his wife Susan disappeared in December 2009.
He has written, however.  See analysis as he and his father have disparaged the victim and her family. 
He said the last time he saw her was in the middle of the night at their Utah home as he and their two young boys headed out for a camping trip.
Ever since Susan vanished, police have called Josh a person of interest. Josh and his father believe Susan ran off with another man. Susan is originally from Western Washington.
"It's been a hard two years, it's been lonely," he said Thursday evening, the night before investigators begin looking again for Susan and any evidence of her disappearance.

Statement Analysis does not interpret; it listens.  Please note that he does not say that he has been lonely. Since his wife has been missing for two years, we would expect him to say that he is lonely; he does not. For new readers, Josh Powell has indicated deception in the disappearance of Susan Cox (Powell) and he and his father have slandered her name as well as her family's name and reputation.  Disparagement of the victim is often an indicator of guilt. 

"I will always love her," Josh said. "There's a lot of people who have been extremely supportive of me of our sons, it doesn't make up for what other people are trying to put us through."

Note that "I will always love her" is future; he does not state that he loves her.  
Note that "extremely" is sensitive.
Note that this support is for "our" sons, not "my sons" which is something usually found when a divorce or step parenting is involved.  Here, since there is none, the emphasis upon "sharing" his sons, is noted as sensitive.  Note that "it doesn't" refutes that which came before.  
Note that other people are "trying" to put them through something; when a subject uses the word try or trying it means failure.  People are "trying" to put them through something but are failing.
Josh Powell did not want to discuss the protection order he recently filed against his father-in-law in court. In it, Josh claimed Susan's father has harassed him, and believes that Josh has something to do with Susan's disappearance.

Josh's own statements have been vicious towards his former father-in-law, and it is out of respect to the Cox family that we refer to Susan as "Susan Cox."  Previous analysis has, sadly, shown that Susan is likely deceased, at the hands of Josh Powell, and that he disposed of her remains in such a way as to leave him confident that wildlife would consume her body. (see the words chosen in analysis).

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