Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Statement Analysis of Charles Dyer Email

What follows is Statement Analysis of email from Charles Dyer.  He is accused of raping his 7 year old daughter. 

Here is his email:

"I have taken this final opportunity while I am still alive to make a statement to the
public.  First, I am INNOCENT of all accusations.  2 years ago when I was first arrested, I
had the utmost faith and confidence in the U.S. Judicial System, however I have since
then learned that due to corruption and politics, that our system is severely flawed.
There are far too many injustices to list in this message, but I will name some of them.

Please note that lying is stressful and will be avoided if possible.  "I am innocent" is something that both the innocent and guilty say, generally before a trial, as it is true for all:  judicially, he is "innocent"; however, in Statement Analysis, we look for a denial of the action, not of the outcome of a trial.  Being accused of sexually assaulting his own daughter is about the most vile thing he could have said against him, therefore, the clearest denial, which would come "first" is, "I didn't do it."  

A strong denial is First Person Singular, past tense, and does not seek to skirt around the allegation.   An innocent person, in fact, will say "I didn't do it" easily, without qualification and without indicators of sensitivity.  In his email to his attorney, we look for this specific, strong denial. "I am innocent" denies the outcome; not the deed. 

At every turn, my family and I have been threatened and bullied by both the state
and federal governments.  My family has been chased from the state, my parents have
been broken financially, and I have been pushed to the limits multiple times by law
enforcement and the judicial system in an attempt to cause me to take violent action
against them.  If I do, I know I will be the monster they depict me as.

Note that be states that action has been taken against him and his family, including his parents, which is all designed to make him "take violent action."  If he takes this "violent action" he will be "the" monster, not "a" monster.  Note the narcissistic centrality of his own life; that all actions taken, including both state and federal governments, have caused him to move out of state, and have broken his parents financially.  The law enforcement, judicial system, state and federal governments have conspired against him.  This large conspiracy is an attempt to get him to react violently, or so he states. 

This speaks to a self centeredness and an inflated sense of self.  We should seek to learn if this theme is carried through the letter. 

The prosecution has been allowed to lie in court to a Jury, multiple times, and a
judge refuses to ensure that they tell the truth.  They have suppressed evidence that
they know helps clear me of the charges and even lied to turn the evidence back
against me.  No investigation has been done whatsoever.

Note that he declares that "no investigation" has been done, with the additional word "whatsoever"

It has been close to 2 years
and still, my girlfriend, myself, nor my parents have been asked a single question.  Even
though they were allegedly present during every incident that I am accused of.

Note that he was accused, among other things, of raping his child. 

 My mother was threatened by agent poole of the FBI that if she did not cooperate, they
would "make enough charges to put your son away for 40 years".

Though he stated that his parents were not asked a single question.

He lied to me and told me if I refused to cooperate, he would arrest my girlfriend for being around weapons for 20 years because she was a felon, which was a lie!

Note that it is not just that he lied, but he lied "to me" and that it is not that he 'said' but rather he "told me"; with the repetition and close proximity of "me" we see the continued theme of self. 

Agent Poole offered to make the charges disappear if I would "insert into the militia and complete a list of objectives over one or two years, depending on what the higher ups say".

Here is where he sounds delusional:  note that the agent here is named and given title, "Agent Poole" as if respected.  Note the context of such respect:  the agent offered him some form of secret work in a militia, with "objectives", making himself sound like a pathetic self-delusional narcissist. 

Then when I refused, he lied on his report which resulted in a federal indictment against me.  

How important must have been this secret assignment!  The refusal to help the government led to a federal indictment. 

He was later caught in that lie during the trial and I was found not guilty.  NOTHING happened to him. Beyond this, every letter and phone call to my representatives and governor have been unanswered.

Note that "I was found not guilty" is not the same as "I didn't do it" and this was proven. 

Our judicial system is nothing more than a system of liars and crooks working under
the color of the law, where the rich go free and the poor are made to suffer injustice.
Something MUST be done to expose it.

Is that "something" that MUST be done an act of violence?  This should be a concern. 

I had a series of videos recorded to show everything that had been done to me and
ready for release, the weekend before my trial started.  However, someone attempted to
kill me and burn my house down around me.  Fortunately, I was not there.  Unfortunately,
everything I have ever worked for in my life was lost.  Every picture I have taken, every
piece of memorabilia of my life, every video showing what they have done, everything
that was  important to me.

Note that the series of videos came first, and they were recorded to show "everything" that had been done to me and were ready for release right before his trial.  Yet, in the fire, "everything" was lost.  What was "everything"?  It was not the video that would prove worthy of justice, but was:

1.  Every picture he had taken. 
2.  Every piece of memorabilia

These two things are noted before the critical videos that would have shown everything done against him.  If the videos proved his fate, it would be the most important thing to him, yet, when he went to specifics, it was only third.  Note that it is not that these things were important, but they were important "to me."  This, again, shows the centrality of himself in everything. 

The language should cause investigators to question his involvement in the fire.  Note that "someone" (gender neutral) wanted to "kill him" (not federal or state workers, but "someone") yet in killing him would only burn his house "around" him.  This use of wording should cause investigators to learn of his own planning in this event.

I pleaded to the court to continue my case just one week since I had lost everything
except the ragged clothes I had on my back and my trial was in 3 days.  Judge Enos
denied me that.  I still do not know why.

Note that it is not that Judge Enos denied the request, but "Judge Enos denied me" that.

  I do not understand 80% of what has happened
to me thus far.

This would lead us to ask him about the other 20%

 I served my country as a U.S. Marine for years of my life, I have been an
upstanding citizen, I have done all I could to help my fellow man.  Yet as soon as my
lying, drug/sex addict wife has my daughter make allegations about me, the world turns
on me and my past actions mean nothing because of the very government I worked for,
now sees me as a threat.

Please note that here he addresses the allegation against him:  rape of his daughter.  His defense is not "I didn't do it" (in any form) but that he served his country. 
Note his language:  "sees me as a threat" should be taken seriously, along with the  violence that he speaks of.

I want to thank all of you that have made verbal statements in my defense, including
the deputies, police officers and  Judge Lamar.  If it weren't for your support, I am afraid
that I would have lost my mind long ago.

He does not state that he did not sexually assault his child.  

Now I will explain my current actions.  On Friday, August the 12th at approx. 0800, I
was informed that my house had been burned to the ground.  I rushed home and there
was nothing left.  My home was leveled to the ground.

Please note the change of language from "house" to "home".  Please note the context with one burned and one leveled; both destroyed.  This is an indication of deception involved.  
A change in language should reflect a change in reality; here, both are in the same context.  Where there is no justification for the change of language, there is likely deception associated with the action of burning the house down.  
Note that "I was informed" is passive indicating that he does not want to say how (by whom) he was informed, and is likely withholding information.  
Given this deception as well as the above references, police should seek to learn if:
a.  He was part of the planning
b.  He had, at least, guilty knowledge of the burning down of the house

Due to the criminal activities, it may be that this was more than just about insurance, but a way to seek to destroy evidence. 

I was questioned by an investigator and I told him everything I possibly could to assist in his duties.

Note that "told" is strong.
Note that when someone says that they have told or said "everything", it is an indication that they are withholding information and want questioning to stop. 
"And that's all I know" Misty Croslin, one day after Haleigh Cummings went missing.  This is a way of saying "stop the questioning" as innocent people will continually search the memory for more information, the guilty want the information flow to stop.   Here, he is withholding information. 

Around noon, I saw one of the deputies writing something in his vehicle, I asked him for a bottle
of water, to distract him for a moment and see what he was writing.  It was a criminal
investigation report of my house burning.  My name was on the top and they were
recording my every move.  I knew at this point that this would be yet another crime that I
would be arrested and wrongly accused of.  I know that no one will believe me, but I
am innocent of burning my house as well.  I lost everything that was dear to me.  I have
nothing left in this world except my Mother, Father and Sister.  I am severely afraid for
my life and I feel that if I am near my parents, someone will kill them to get to me or
someone will harm them and blame it on me.

His parents need protection.  This is an unstable and dangerous man.  

I never had any intention of harming another human life

Note that he does not say he didn't harm, only that he "never" had the intention.  We all intend to do something and get side tracked or change plans.  Intention should not be substituted for activity. 

and will still do all that I can to keep from it,

this indicates that he can only attempt to stop himself from violence.  This is a warning. 

but I also feel that I have a god given right to protect myself and my

Note that in "protection" he comes before his family.  It is likely that if he commits a violent act, he will claim that it was done in self defense.  

I know that law enforcement will not do it for me.

Note the law enforcement he thanked above. 

I also know that the FBI is after me, lied to my supporters at my trial, have had undercover agents in my court hearings, and was even investigating my house fire, even though I do not have any pending
federal cases.  This alarms me as well and I believe they have less than honorable  intentions towards me.   I'm just a man and I am not unable to admit that I am confused and afraid for my life at this point.  I do not know what to do or what avenues to take to safeguard myself or my family.

Note that the large state and federal conspiracy has only "less than honorable intentions" is minimizing language.  
Note that "I'm just a man" is an admission from someone who believes himself to be so much more than "just" a man.  Even saying this (or writing it) reveals just how delusional his mind is.  

Please continue to note the absence of "I did not rape my daughter" or "I did not sexually assault my daughter" only that he never intended to harm "another". 
Note the he continues to list himself before family. 

To my parents.  I am sorry I have disappointed you with my actions.  I will continue to
do all that I can to save the farm.  If you do not hear from me within 90 days, then I am
dead and I have failed you.  I only pray that you will forgive me one day.  I love you both
with all my heart.  To my sister, I thank you for making me feel like the most loved little
brother on the planet.  I already miss all of you."

Note that they should be prepared for suicide; but not suicide alone, but murder-suicide.  

Note that "I am sorry" is found frequently in guilty statements.  Here, it may be that his family has not been broken financially by state and federal conspiracies, but by bailing him out and paying for his crimes and legal fees. 

The subject is not political, but criminal.   He does not deny raping his daughter and his threats of violence should be taken seriously. 

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