Monday, August 22, 2011

Katelyn Markham 911 Call

Please note that Statement Analysis and Commentary is in bold type.  We do not have the transcript of the entire call, which would be useful in analysis. 

Police have released the 911 call that Katelyn Markham's fiancee placed to report her missing.
Markham, 22, of Fairfield, has been missing since Saturday when she didn't show up for work.
The community has been scouring the neighborhood every day near her town home since her disappearance, and still, police are not indicating any evidence of foul play.
Markham's fiancee, John Carter, called police on Sunday, Aug. 14 to report her missing.
"I know you're not suppose to report a missing person before 24 hours, but my fiancee is missing and I can't find her anywhere," he said in the call.

The 2nd person "you" shows distance, which is commonly used in any reference to what people generally do.  Also, he ascribes the title, "my fiance" with pronoun ownership.  We do not know if he had given her name prior to this or not. 
Carter last saw Markham on Saturday night. He says they were discussing a possible move to Colorado.
"We were planning on going in October and then we pushed back the date to November," he said. "We could have pushed the date back a year and it would not have mattered. I didn't want to make her do anything she didn't want to do, and she did not feel like she was being forced into anything."

Please note that we do not have the question asked which leaves us unable to tell if such words as "make her" and "forced" are reflective (words that the interviewer used in the question) or, more importantly, if he introduced them himself.  We note their usage regardless. The interviewer may have been alarmed at his usage, as we note here.  The words are concerning regarding domestic violence, control, etc. 
When asked what he meant by "forced," Carter said, "Just going to Colorado, the marriage, the whole thing. It was entirely up to her."

Note that "just" shows reduction, and note that there is a missing pronoun.  Please note the additional word "entirely" regarding  plans, is sensitive. 
Carter also said in his 911 call, "A Sacred Heart Festival is going on right up the street, and there are a lot of questionable people there."

Note that this could be an expression of concern, or an attempt to influence an investigation; but either way, it shows an early suggestion that Katelyn may be a victim of foul play.  It appears that the interviewer was alert to this matter and asked for clarification:
Carter explained that statement to FOX19, saying, "I don't think it draws shady, sketchy people, but there were so many people there you don't know everybody's intentions there."

Note that which is presented in the negative as very important.  Here he does not "think" it draws "shady" people but ("but" indicates to note what follows) "you" don't know everybody's intentions (2nd person) even after "I" was used regarding what he thought.  This change should be noted. 
Fairfield Police say they have not ruled out anything in the case, and that Katelyn's disappearance is still very much a mystery.
A prayer vigil will be held for Markham on Friday at 7 p.m. at the Fairfield West Baptist Church at 5345 Muskopf Road. The prayer vigil will be open to the general public.
Markham is 5'3" and 130 pounds with green eyes and brown hair with blonde highlights. If you see her, call police or 911 immediately.

NOTE:  Below are some of the comments taken from the audio version along with my notes.   If a reader finds the entire transcript, please post them for analysis.  My note taking includes the questions we use regarding 911 calls of domestic homicides, as the principles are useful here. 

Di call begin with greeting?                             yes, he began with  "hi"
Does he ask for help for her, specifically?   yes or no       No specific request. 
Does he disparage her?                                 yes or no       No disparagement 
"so" sensitive, explanation rather than report. 

"I'm really freaking out" focus upon him; not upon her. 

"She was going to bed.  She wasn't going out to do anything."   Did he see her go to bed?  Did she run away from him?

"She is not deceiving.  She would have been in her bed "

"I called her father the only thing that is not there is her cell phone   it is positive ..."

Mentioning the phone, but not saying he made a call.  Note negative. 

Police will have to consider if Kaitlyn left due to conflict.  He said that he went to see if she was "okay".  What led him to think otherwise?  Why was he checking on her well-being? Did they have a fight about moving?  (see above)

Note that he had an understanding that a missing person's report is 24 hours.  This may indicate that he was considering this before the call.  

Did you have argument?   "not at all"
Was she on any medications?  "not at all"
Did she have thoughts of suicide?  "no"

There is a difference in answers between questions, though each was asked one after the other. 

We do not have enough information to make a conclusion and need more statements, however police should polygraph the fiance and ask questions about his suspicions of the area and about their relationship. 

  They should seek to learn if the couple argued about moving and she has left him, not wishing to be found, or if she has met with foul play.  Note that he says she was going to bed, not that she went to bed, and that she should have been in bed.

 The call is concerning.  

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